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listen to coming down by halsey and/or I walk the line by them. 

//1 thing I'll always TW u guys for is hard drugs. I am a recovering addict and use writing as a coping skill but if you are triggered by these types of things whether it be from witnessing a loved one use or you yourself I encourage you to take caution. I will add // in front of the paragraphs that talk about it so that no1 is caught off guard.

//You wake up around noon the next day and do a big stretch. Everything feels like a normal morning...only he's not watching today. Kai Chisaki a.k.a Overhaul has been soaking in a hot tub drinking a bitter tonic since coming home. He refills the hot water any time it cools down too far for him to "cleanse the filth". While you sit looking around your room with glossy eyes his are bloodshot as a drug he should never have touched runs its course through his blood stream. He shakes and shivers even in the very hot bathtub he sits in, the substance fueling the mental breakdown he is experiencing.

You grab your phone hitting the power button to check the time your eyes widening slightly in shock when you see how late it is. "Well I guess no jobs for today." You say before yawning. You get up and stumble around to get dressed. 'I think I'll go out tonight if there's nothing to do.' Going out alone is not something that you do very often, especially since most nights he has some type of work for you to do.

Your body freezes at the thought of him. The memory of him yelling and disappearing puts a pit in your stomach making you recluse into yourself like a small child. "Fuck..." You whisper looking over to where the clothes he gifted you lie. "I need to be better..." You say pulling on a pair of black leggings for some workout time. You hope that taking a walk can help you feel less suffocated by your emotions as it usually does.

// Chisaki is running the water again smoking a cigarette in the tub while he slowly begins to feel a come down looming, he feels a dull ache at his temples and his eyes become increasingly less focused.Unfortunately though his mind continues to race while his heart pushes against his chest. The man's skin shines a bright red tingling and tender everywhere from being exposed to such hot water for all those hours. All of his joints and muscles ache from being held so stiffly during his meltdown. He leans his head back and groans. He considers using more for a moment, his head looking over at the door.

"I gotta stop chasing that cat." He says throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling angry with himself for "putting himself" in this type of position. Though he wants to mean what he says. The words simply leaving his lips causes him to ache for you. Suddenly a flourish of rage pushes through his chest pushing him to finally stand. "Why can't I have what I deserve?!" Chisaki yells loudly, his voice echoing back into his ears pushing his madness a bit deeper.

//Chisaki steps one foot out of the tub, his mind hardly connecting the movements. Muscle memory takes him to the towel hanging near the mirror across the room. He wipes his face slowly before pat drying the rest of his body. Every movement feels like he is pulling rubber bands as far as they will go and his head swims when he straightens himself. Flashes of your face dance their way through his mind. His tender hand slams into the tile wall but the drug blocks the pain...for now. "Mine. Mine. Mine. MINE!" His voice goes from a whisper slowly getting louder as the year long pent up emotions break out of his chest. "MINE!" He yells again only this time he looks up through his own window at the lights outside. "She has to be..." He mutters desperately before finally stepping through his bedroom door.

You have just finished your walk doing an hour instead of two today due to more hero traffic than usual. Though not many have seen your face, some you try to avoid them when possible. A drop of sweat drips down your cheek from your hair as you bend down to the bottom of the drawer in the fridge for water. You decide you should probably have something to eat today as well since you fasted so much last week.

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