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I woke up in a cocoon of blankets. Blinking blearily as I adjusted to the morning light, I'm gifted by the sight of a shirtless, bedhead-ridden Warren. He typed away on his phone, one arm slung over his head to prop his head up farther on the pillow. My eyes ran over the faint scars littering his chest and abdomen before I moved, alerting him of my cognizance.

He gave me a lazy smile, perfect teeth on display. "Morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." I sat up, forgetting I was naked. Warren's eyes roved over me unabashedly as I scrambled to cover myself with the blankets. I felt my cheeks flush, despite being exposed to Warren so many times I've lost count.

Something was different about what happened last night and my body made sure I knew it. There was a pleasant ache between my thighs and lower back that insisted I move with a wince. Warren raised an eyebrow as I leaned over him and kissed him, but didn't hesitate to kiss me back.

The sweet relief I got made me moan into his mouth and crawl over him, modesty long forgotten. Warren cupped my neck and deepened our kiss so our tongues could dance. After a few minutes, he pulled away first and then grinned. "It's after six."

"So?" I kiss his smile.

"So it's Tuesday." His tongue flicked against my lips teasingly and I felt my stomach clench with desire.

"Okay?" I followed his mouth like a siren call and he chuckled at my readiness. He might've thought it was amusing, but he was like an anchor to my emotions right now. I was still frazzled from yesterday's argument and I needed his affection more than he knew.

"So..." He paused, his lips just brushing over mine one more time before he said, "It's time for you to get ready for school."

I pretended to think for a moment while stretching my body over his. "I can skip."

He barked a laugh before easily sitting up and maneuvering me so I straddled his bare body. "You are a little needy thing. I would totally agree with that if I was actually gonna have the day to myself, but unfortunately, I have work."

I rolled my eyes. "You can skip."

"I wish." He cupped my ass and squeezed; a groan exiting his mouth as he did. "I really am obsessed with you, Xania."

"Quickie then?" I pursed my lips and arched into him. His attention snagged on my breasts and I knew I had him hook, line, and sinker.

"You have to get ready for school but..." Warren paused before his eyes flashed with obvious want. "I can help you get clean in the shower."

I was beginning to find out that there was no such thing as a 'quickie' with Warren Atham. I didn't get out of that shower until I was adequately stretched out and so pruney my skin felt like it would fall off. That was at 7:45 and I hadn't even touched my hair or gotten my outfit prepared.

Cue me running around my room like a chicken with its head cut off as I struggled to get ready.

Warren was absolutely no help. "Just tell them you were busy serving your king." I glared at him from my spot in the bathroom of my room and he laugh like he'd just made the funniest joke ever.

I spat out my toothpaste and gave him an unimpressed look. "More like the king was serving me. Most of the shower was you on your knees."

"Proudly." He stretched across my bed and gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes and went back to brushing my teeth. I was bent over the sink spitting out my mouthwash when I felt his presence behind me. I looked up with an expectant expression.

"Yes-?" I paused when I saw who it was behind me. Henry stood tall in the mirror, arms crossed over his chest and his appraising eyes stopping short at the skirt I was wearing. I glanced over to Warren but the only evidence of him was my ruffled comforter.

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