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"I'm sure you're confused," Warren started and both brothers, Mr. Atham and I gave him the 'No Shit, Sherlock' look.

"Okay, damn, how about you explain it then." He crossed his arms and turned to Henry expectantly.

"How about we let her ask questions?" Calvin suggested before smiling hopefully at me. I didn't return it. I sat on the very end of the table (where Mr. Atham would usually sit), farthest from them, with my cut leg now bandaged, yet still seeming to have an effect. Each of the brothers would stare at it from time to time.

"I think that would be wise," Mr. Atham turned to me. "Technically this isn't my conversation to have, but I have to make sure they don't end up attacking you."

I forced a smile. "How considerate of you."

Warren leaned onto the table. "Ask away, princess."

"What are you? I'm thinking vampires, but I'm really, really hoping not."

Calvin shrugged weakly, "There are worse things."


"Mainly us," Calvin said dismissively, "But, um, yes, we're vampires."

"And you suck blood?"

Calvin glanced at my leg and nodded, "Yes."

"Is that girl, Marlette, even alive?" I hesitated, afraid of the answer.

Both brothers looked at Henry as if either 'yes' or 'no' were both equally accurate possibilities.

There was a pause before Henry sighed, "Yes, she's just sleeping it off, she'll be fine in the morning."

Warren turned to me, sighing. "I'll... start: We're vampire purebreeds, we don't sparkle, we can stay in the sun, garlic doesn't affect us and stepping into a church doesn't make us burst into flames. Most urban legends are bullshit."

I shoved my hands between my thighs. I suddenly felt cold all over. "What are purebreeds?"

"Vampires who were born as vampires." Calvin answered.

"So... people can be turned into them?"

All three brothers nodded, but Warren explained, "Only by purebreeds and purposefully."

"Alright..." I swallowed thickly and paused, unsure of what to ask next.

"W-Why am I here? Why'd you let a human like me come here and pretend you weren't vampires?" I looked up through my lashes and saw them looking guilty.

Scratch that - Warren and Calvin looked guilty. Henry looked like his normal pissed self. But now it looked... menacing.

Calvin glanced at Mr. Atham, "Dad-"

"Tell her," Mr. Atham got up from the table and I felt fear flood in me. "I'll be in my study."

I pressed myself against the wooden seat, wishing he'd sat back down. Mr. Atham looked at me long and hard before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

"I'll start," Calvin looked at me with a kind expression. "It's going to be... a lot, okay?"

I swallowed again with a slow nod.

"A really long time ago, like millennia or so, humans and vampires were at war. In order to create peace, the humans came to the king of the vampires. They offered a human bride to the Vampire King, one with the sweetest blood and that happened to be the human king's daughter... it was a symbol of truce. The Vampire King accepted to take the bride and leave the humans alone unless they wandered onto vampire territory. If the humans trespassed, the vampires could drink from them with no consequence. After a long time, the humans forgot about our existence," Calvin paused and looked at me awkwardly, "Of course this trade still goes on."

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