Rip Warren

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Warren didn't come back. Eventually, it got late and Calvin forced me into bed. Literally.

Like he picked me up bridal style and carried me up to my room. He wasn't really being himself; he even threatened to dress me if I didn't do it myself.

I grabbed an oversized black shirt with a pink bunny printed on it and threw it on along with a silk headwrap.

"Xania, you done?" Calvin knocked lightly on the door.

I hopped into bed and grabbed my phone. "Yeah." Calvin came in, this time in a dark red shirt and grey sweats.

I scooted over and he slipped in beside me, pulling the blankets around him and giving me a smile.

I returned it halfheartedly and then returned to my conversation with Jamal. It felt like I'd been neglecting my family a bit and I made more of an effort to at least shoot them a text every few days.

I was debating texting Warren all night, but my nerves finally gave in.

Are you okay?

I closed my phone and sighed. Feeling Calvin's gaze on me, I faced him. "Yeah?"

"Warren's fine, y'know. You don't have to worry so much."

I cringed at myself. "Was it that obvious?"

"You were trying to be subtle?" Calvin laughed quietly.  "I'm serious. Warren's gonna be fine."

At this point, I felt like there was no explanation for this household. The weirdness, the outings, the whole no curfew thing. Must be a white people thing.


Calvin watched me for a second before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I gave him a quizzical look, but he just closed his eyes in contentment.

I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat for the second time. I tried to time it, hoping it would lull me to sleep, but it didn't.

"You didn't do anything," I heard Calvin say and I tilted my head up to see him staring at me. "Henry is... upset because he thinks you're going to ruin our family."

"How?" I asked, my voice a little hoarse from not speaking. "Am I going to tarnish the Atham image?" It came out with more venom than I intended, but I meant it.

Calvin didn't seem to notice it. "I don't know what goes on in his head. He's lost a lot, and I think that has to do with why he behaves the way he does."

"So are you telling me to suck it up and take his bullshit?"

Calvin shook his head. "No. I'm telling you the reason why he does it, not that I think it's justified that he does."

I frowned and looked away from his piercing green eyes. "I'm tired."

Calvin chuckled. "Then go to sleep."

I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of Calvin's bath soap. His hand rubbed across my back in soothing patterns, resting on my hip once he pulled me impossibly close.

I wouldn't lie and say it didn't feel great. My phone dinged. I shot up like a bullet and grabbed the phone but Calvin grabbed it from my hand. "Xani, you need to sleep."

"What if it's Warren?" I asked, reaching for it. He moved it out of my grasp.

"I'll give it to you then." He said, but I stubbornly reached for it again. He moved it even father away, on the nightstand on his side.

Without much thought, I tossed a leg over his waist, crawled over him and grabbed my phone. He sighed, but let me take it, placing his hands on my thighs.

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