Well, That Went Well

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I stared in the mirror of the nearest bathroom at the bleeding two-spotted mark on my neck. “Y’know, I expected it to be more intense.”

“Intense? That’s not intense?!” Warren glared at the mark hatefully. “My own brother marked my princess. My princess!”

“My?” Calvin asked with a short cough.

“Yes, my,” Warren wrapped his arm around me and I rolled my eyes.

“It hurts, when does it stop?” I asked, swiping at the droplet of blood starting its descent into my chest.

“If I could heal it-” Henry started from outside the door, but Warren cut him off, “You aren’t going anywhere near my baby.”

“That’s one thing I have to agree with Warren about.” Calvin grabbed my hand, turning his attention to me. “Are you okay?”

“Peachy.” I shot him the ‘ok’ sign in the mirror before dropping it. “Look, I don’t appreciate that Henry did this without my consent, and I’m probably calm about this because I don’t know why marking is important, but can you at least let him stop this from throbbing.”

Warren frowned. “I don’t want him to enjoy it.”

“Warren, really?” 

“Really.” He deadpanned.

Calvin let out a long sigh. “I don’t want you to be in pain-”

“Great,” I turned toward during the door. “Henry, get your busted ass in here!”

A second later and Henry zapped into the bathroom. “I don’t appreciate being called in by my ‘busted ass’.” 

I rolled my eyes, stepping out of Warren’s arms. “Could you just heal me so we can all have a conversation about this cuz it is necessary.” 

Henry glanced over my head before smirking, grabbing my waist and slinging me to his chest. I closed my eyes before I felt his tongue slide up from the top of my shirt to the mark at an extremely slow pace.

“H-hey-” I tried to step back just as Warren growled behind me.

“I’m not done,” Henry snaked his arm across my waist before returning to the mark, kissing it and licking across it in intermittent intervals.

“You’re done, buddy,” Warren said lowly.

Henry peeked up at me before grinning at Warren and Calvin haughtily. “Don’t get upset, dear brother, look how pretty it is.” He turned me around, my ass against him as he kissed my shoulder.

Calvin glared coldly. “Xania, step away from him.”

Henry smiled, “Or you could stay here. I like holding you like this.”

I shuddered. “What ever happened to ‘leave me alone or I’ll hurt you’, huh?”

Henry nipped my ear, causing me to yelp. “I lied.”

“Xania,” Calvin repeated and I noted Warren was practically vibrating from anger.

I went to move, but Henry’s grip on my hips tightened, stopping me instantly.

“Which brother would you go to?” Henry asked, releasing my hips and letting his fingers slowly ran up and down my sides. “Calvin or Warren?”

“Henry, I’m gonna break your fingers,” Warren growled.

“Calvin? Warren?” Henry’s fingers slipped under my shirt, and my body stilled. “Or maybe you wanna stay with me?”

“Okay, that’s it! Living room! All of you sit! NOW!” I yanked myself from Henry’s hold and raised an eyebrow when nobody moved. “Do I have to repeat myself? Cuz one decision and none of you get anything from me.”

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