Another Shift

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I got some dinner for us because we got a night shift with Wheeinah. We are silently eating in our car, when a call comes from the radio.

-Adam 553, are you there?

-Its Adam 553. Listening to you! I answered.

-We got a call from district 11. Can you check it out? It can be false but make sure? Over.

-On our way!

Its strange. I mean its a silent neighbourhood. Nothings happen there. They are a small and calm community. Anyway we have to check it out.

-Dinner's over. Go to district 11. Take a few round see whats happening.

We make or way to the destination and see a guy walking around. I got out of the car and walk to him.

-Good evening sir! May I know what are you doing out here this late? I asked

-Ohh good evening officer! Whats wrong, I'm just taking a walk. He said

-Its a little bit strange, this is a small community, no ones out here this time. And we got a call, someone's asking for help.

- I didnt see anybody, dont know who made a call.

-Whats with your hand Sir? Wheein asked curiously.

-Its nothing, my mother is a nurse, she will put a bandage on it later. He said strangely

-May I take a look? I asked

He shows me his hand, and god its a deep cut. Someone sliced his hand badly.

-Sir its a serious wound, what happened? Did you made that call? I asked

-I just cut myself thats all...I didnt make the call. Can   I go now?

Something strange, I can feel it.

-Officer Jung! Call an ambulance for the gentleman! I said to Wheein.

-Its really nothing, please can I go now? My mother is a nurse.

-You don't go anywhere! I said firmly

-How did you cut yourself? Wheein asked

-Okay, I got into a fight with my friend Dylan. Its beacuse of a girl. Nothing serious I swear. He said

-Show me where. I said

We are now walking, searching for the place where this gentleman got into the fight.

-It was here!

-There is nothing. No sign of a fight, everything is normal. I said

-Oh, I dont remember where. He said

-You dont go anywhere, before you show me where did you two had a fight. I said firmly

We walk two houses down, he stops.

-It was here.

I look around but there is no sign of the fight. I got pissed of.

-Sir, are you kidding me? There is no sign of the incident!! I shout

-I dont know okay? Can I go now? He asked

-NOOOO I said

-Please hands up in the air! I told him

I searched him, and found a keychain.

The emergency car showed up. I walk up to them, telling to swathe the bruise on the gentleman's hand.
I walk away with Wheein.

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