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Moonbyul's pov

I left Wheein at the hospital. I called the internal control's head that I want to get interrogated. He was surprised but because Cruz didn't confess the murder, he's looking forward to my confession. I can tell he's expecting that I'll blame Cruz and he can put her behind bars. How cute. I'm an officer and I have nothing to lose...I lost everything.

Seulgi came with me to the station. I told her about my plan. She wasn't happy, but accepted. I can tell she's concerned about me, she's a really good friend. She told that if I got locked up, she'll visit me everyday and she'll get me the best lawyer in whole LA. I just want this nightmare to end.

I'm waiting for Cathel to arrive. He's the head of the internal control. He's up on Cruz's ass years ago I heard. I have to disappoint him. She's not the bad guy CT, it's me. I laughed in my mind. How  more miserable could I be?

He arrived, so I had to go in the interrogation room.

"Good luck kid. You can count on me." Seulgi said hugging me for the last time.

I walked in the room, and sat down in front of Mr. Finney. There were just the two of us and a voice recorder.

"So, Offcier Moon, tell me everything about the incident on 2023. August 23. " CT said

"I was in the hospital, I was not on duty because of my injury. Officer Kang came and tell us that Mr. Lodge man robbed a storage full of weapons and firearms. She suspected that we're in danger." I said

"What do you mean about 'we'?" He asked

"At the hospital, I stayed with other victims of the 'safe house incident'. Earlier Seulgi said that Archie, the man who died that day in front of our hideout, that he is Mr. Lodges's son, so I thought that maybe we're his target, cause I'm the reason his son died." I said taking a sip of water.

"Go on" he ordered.

"So, we suspected that we're in danger, and the exact same moment, gunmen ran through the hallway, one of them stopped then started shooting. The witness that I should protected got shot and still in the hospital." I said fightung with my tears.

"We cleaned up the hospital, shoot every one of them. Then Officer Kang informed me that Detective Cruz went to arrest Donald Lodge, so I went after her." I said

"Tell about Cruz shoot Mr. Lodge" he insisted

"Cruz did not shot Mr. Lodge." I stated

Cathel stopped the voice recorder and turned to me.

"Officer Moon, I know you afraid of Detective Cruz but I assure you that anything you did will be forgiven, just tell me what happened at the roof." He said calmly

"Everything? You are not going to accountable me? I asked.

"Not at all, indeed, you deserve a promotion for what you did." He said

"I want that to be written, with your handwriting and signiture." I said

He did what I asked and now I can talk without going to prison. Marvelous.

"Okay, you can start again the recorder." I said

He pushed the button and now the recorder is working.

"As I got to the mansion, I saw an open door, downstairs I found nobody so I headed upstairs. When I went out on the door, Detective Cruz brought Mr. Lodge with a handcuff on him. As I saw him, my mind was blown...

...and I shoot him." I stated

"What are you talking about?!" He asked angrily

"That's the truth sir! Cruz tried to bring him in and arrest him, but I shoot him." I said

As I said I left a confused Cathel Finney in the room.
They have to release Det. Cruz, she's innocent and I'm the witness of this truth. I hope he didn't scam me.

"What happened in there?" Seulgi asked. She waited for me as she promised.

"I said the truth, but before I could do that, CT said that he'll give me exemption. So I told him to write it down, then I said that I killed him not Cruz. So I think they have to release Cruz." I said

"Well played, but I think you're going to get fired" Seul said laughing.

"It doesn't matter. All I can think about is Yongsun now" I said with sad eyes.

"She's going to be fine don't worry."

"I hope so" I said

"Let's go home, we had a long day it's almost 2 am." Seulgi said.

"I'm heading to the hospital, but you, take care okay?"

"Of course" she said while walking out of the building

Cruz's pov

It's almost 3am now. Thez didn't got a chance to beat me up again,there's always a guard here next to the cell. I couldn't sleep because the lamp is always lights. A guard's coming to the direction of the cell.

"Maritza Cruz step outside!" He ordered.

These bitches looking at me like they framed me with something I didn't do.

"Look, I didn't do anything, these bitches try to get me in trouble I swear" I pleaded

"Shut your mouth" he said

I'm going to kill these fuckers I swear. But then he gave me my accessories.

"You're free to go" he said

"What?" I asked confused

"Go before I change my mind." He said

I looked back at the other inmates with a smirk on my face then headed out of the building. To my biggest surprise, CT Finney waited for me outside of the department.

"What a nice surprise, who would I thank this?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'm going to catch you Cruz. Don't be so swell-headed. You're going to make a mistake, and I'll be there to lock you in a cell for the rest of your life." He said

"Great to see you too" I said then left him there.

Moonbyul's pov

I was here in the hospital the past 3 hours beside Yong's bed. She didn't wake up yet, but the doctor said she should this day. It's a little after 5am , and I want to spend here the rest of my day too. I want to be here for her if she wakes up. I'm heading to the cafeteria to grab a coffee and a sandwich. It's truky nerve recking here. White walls and hospital smell everywhere. I bought a flower to her, to decorate her room a little. I putted it down when I heard a quiet
groan. I looked at her, her eyes were shut but she definately moved.

"Yong I'm here. Open your eyes, it's me Byul" I said relieved that she woke up

"Byulah...." She tried to speak.

"Yes it's me, everything's going to be okay" I said

I tried to go out to call a nurse or a doctor but stopped when I heard Yong spoke.

"I love you too...."

I have too many drafts so I post another chapter today. Looking forward to your opinions guys. I hope you reall really like it😁


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