Internal Control

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Moonbyul's pov

I sat there quietly.

Nothing on my mind.

I did as Cruz said, but I don't care. I don't care what going to happen if they found out what I did. If Yong die....

That piece of shit deserved what he got.

We're at the police station waiting for the Internal Control's detectives ask us out.

"You have to stick to the story Moonbyul, you're going to prison if not." Cruz tried to convince me.

"I dont care Maritza, I dont care at all." I said

Meanwhile a person came out from the interrogation room.

"Detective Cruz, come in please." An internal investigator ordered.

Cruz looked back at me, then headed after the detective.

"I dont care"

Wheein's pov

The hospital is a complete mess. Blood and bodies everywhere. The coroners got here not long ago and started investigate the place. They took our guns too. It's obligatory in this kind of situations. Yong's still in the surgery. It's been 3 hour now, they said that there were complications. If she dies I don't know what going to happen. Byul's gonna break.

Speaking of Byul, an officer said that Donald Lodge was killed in her mansion not long ago, and Byul shooted him. I hope they alright, that's all we know.

"Hey guys, I have to check on Byul. There are the Internals so I think she's in big trouble." Seulgi said

"What? The internals?! Why?" I asked confused

"I don't know Wheeinah, but prepare, if this thing got messy, we're next." Seul said than went to the station.

I sat there, outside of the surgery room waiting for any good news. My phone rang.

"Wheein! Are you okay? It's in the TV, its...." She said panicking

"Hey hey, Hyejinah calm down. I'm okay, its over, okay? Its over." I tried to calm her down.

"But Byul and Yong didn't reply my phone calls, I was so worried" Hyejin said.


"Whee, what about them?" She asked

"I..." I couldn't answer her. It happened again. I can't tell her...

"WHEEIN what happened?" She shouted at the phone.

"Yong got shot two times, Byul killed the mobster..." I spitted out the truth.

"I'm going there right now" she stated then hung up.

I was waiting for Hyejin when the surgery's door opened and a doctor came out.

"Doctor, how is she?" I asked worried

"She's stable now but not good. She had internal bleeding, so we had to open her up, then close her back. She got a 5cm cut on her stomach that will be sensitive for a long time. And...." The doctor hesitated.

"What is it?" I asked

"We had to leave there one of the bullet. It would've been risky to take it out, so we decided to left it there, so....she'll might be....handicapped...there's a 50% chance." He said not looking in my eyes.

"If she woke up and can't walk, I'm going to destroy this hospital, you got that right?" I asked furiously.

"Miss Jung I can't..." He tried to explain.

"I DONT CARE!!!" I shouted.

Then someone grabbed me by my arm.

"Easy, what happened?" Hyejin asked

"She might be unable to walk..." I said almost crying.

"Calm down, I'm here" She said giving me a hug.

I just cried and cried, and she held me until I stopped. She's a really great hugger anyway.
She walked away to find the doctor and ask him, if we can see Yongsun. She came back five minutes later.

"He tried to tell me that only relatives can see her, but I think I could convince him to rethink it" she said chuckling.

"He shitted himself huh?" I asked

"Nearly" Hyejin said

"Let's see her" I said then walked in the room of Yongsun.

Moonbyul's pov

Cruz's in there about 2 hours now...what is happening. Not that she shoot that motherfucker. I did. Because his man tried to kill me and maybe killed Yongsun. Is she going to survive two bullets in the stomach? I think it's not impossible but arrrrr... stop thinking about her dying. Stupid mind. Stupid case. Stupid police. Why did I have to apply, why did I have to survive this shit?! Huh?!? To suffer? Because of Yong's death?!?

"WHY??!?" I screamed

"Byul you okay?" Seulgi came by

"I'm sorry" I said

"It's okay, none of this is your fault" she said resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes it is...." I said

"What do you mean?" She asked confused

"I killed him on purpo..." I tried to say when the door opened wild.

Cruz stepped out handcuffs on her hands.

"What is happening?" I asked confused.

"We got the detective already " One of the internal said with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean? I shoot Lodge, not her!" I admitted.

"No need for your lies Officer. We got her. There were handcuffs mark ob Donald's hand. He was executed by Detective Cruz." He stated

"But..." I tried to reason

"Save it kid, they know" Cruz said

They took Cruz to the jail. They're going to kill her there. I have to do something.

"Byul lets go to the hospital, after we talk about what you did and how to get Cruz out of there. I nodded.

I decided to share another chapter, It's shorter than the previous ones but I hope you'll like it.

Expecially my friend Shah_Ariey , this ones for you😁🫰🏼


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