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The dark figure keeps his stare that just sends shivers down to my spine. Scary... "Ah, Professor Snape..! Good to see you." Flitwick says. Those dark eyes keeps staring at me without a word, it's almost petrifying. The professor next to me clears his throat a bit and continues:"Severus, this is Professor (Y/N) (Y/L), she is..-", "In my seat." the man says with the deepest and calmest voice I've ever heard. His seat? Got up from the chair a little:"O-oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know these seats are taken. I..-", "Then perhaps Miss (Y/L) will remember to ask if the seat is taken next time she enters a room." he keeps the calm tone, yet it sounded like a warning. What's up with him? Without a word, I go sit down an empty chair on his right side.

The ceremony keeps on going, no one really saw what just happened on this corner of the room. Can't believe I haven't even been able to start working here properly and I'm already getting myself in 'trouble'. Now I just feel awkward to just sit here... To think that Professor Snape referred me as 'Miss' rather than 'Professor' somehow made me feel small. Dumbledore starts to speak to the students after the first years got sorted to their Houses. I couldn't really focus on his speech, since all I could think about was the man on my left side. It's like he is radiating this weird, negative energy from the gecko. He must be Slytherin. "And our new Herbology Professor, (Y/N) (Y/L)." Dumbledore's strong voice echoes all over the Great Hall as he points at me with an open hand. Everyone in the room turns to look at me. Oh, now is my turn!

It was said we can just stand up and just wave at everyone and go back down. Right when I raise from my seat, my thigh hits the side of the table so it makes this 'thudump' - sound and the table moves a bit. It makes people smile and giggle a little. I give a tiny wave and sit back down, face all red. Why?! Why these things keeps happening to me?! Pretty quickly after that, Dumbledore continues introducing the other professors. I'm trying to calm down and convince myself it wasn't that big of a deal. For Merlin's sake... Other side of the table, I see Remus. He is giving me very compassion smile and I feel little bit better about myself. It's alright. Then I feel how the person on my right side leans towards me - a little bit too close for my liking, so I automatically lean away from them, but not too much so I won't get in touch with Mr. Grumpy over here.

"No need to be nervous, darling. I know how intimidating it must be sitting next to a celebrity, but don't worry, I'm just as a professor like everyone else here." the man whispers with a bright smile on his face. Celebrity? "Sorry?" I whisper back. He reaches his hand towards me:"Gilderoy Lockhart.". "(Y/N) (Y/L)." I shake hands with him. "Lovely." he pecks a quick kiss back of my hand. Awkward smile raises on my face as I get filled with these mixed feelings about this person. I mean, he hasn't really done anything bad, but something just feels little bit... Off? I must be imagining things. Soon, very delicious looking and smelling food appears in front of us. Without thinking, I let out a quiet gasp out of joy. The dark man next to me gives a quick side eye before he starts gathering some food on his plate just like everyone else. There are so much food, it's hard to decide what to take. Oh, how much I missed this too!

The room fills with light hearted chatter and laughter as everyone gets to know each other. I, on the other hand, stay pretty quiet and just observe people around me. It's pretty hard to strike a conversation with the man on my left side, since he just keeps radiating this scary aura, and I'm too intimidated to even look at him. The man on my right side keeps talking and talking... About himself. How famous Wizarding celebrity he really is, how he has authored many books on dark creatures and his encounters with them. He tries to sound humble about his stories, but anyone can just tell he enjoys every moment of this. Now that I think about it, I actually might have seen his face somewhere before, but to call himself 'a big star' sounds a little bit exaggeration, if you ask me.

While trying my best to listen to Professor Lockhart and his stories, I reach to grab a jug near me without looking the direction:"Oh, yeah. I think I have read about that somewhere..-", accidentally my hand touches someone else's hand. A big and cold hand. As initial reaction, I quickly pull my hand against my chest and turn to see who it is. It's Professor Snape. He had also reached to the jug at the same time. Relaxing my shoulders a bit:"Oh, I'm sorry. I..-", "Severus, you need to stop scaring our new professor. Otherwise, she'll run away from us." Professor Lockhart chuckles. Professor Snape won't look either of us and keeps his neutral face as he starts pouring some pumpkin juice into a cup:"If there would be any reason Miss (Y/L) would run away, it would be the among of stories you like to tell so eagerly.". Lockhart's smile drops down for a moment. I had to bite into my lip not to burst out laughing. Soon, Snape puts the cup down and picks up another one to fill. Just realized he had filled my cup before his.

After the dinner, everyone's heading to their Common Rooms to get some sleep before the first official school day. "You made a quite first impression to our Potions Master. None of us has made him talk that many words at once." Remus teases negligently. Rolling my eyes sarcastically:"Haa-haa, hilarious...". Remus and I are walking slowly along the corridors, he's walking me into my chamber, which is in the Greenhouse. For some reason, I still feel embarrassed. "Don't beat yourself up, (Y/N). Severus is always a little bit cold shouldered. Specially towards new people." he tries to consult. I just give a nod while keeping my stare at the floor. "Hope he won't be like that the whole year." I mutter half jokingly. Remus lets out a chuckle:"My advice would be; try not to get stepped on. It's pretty common with Hufflepuffs to get pushed around. No matter what age.". True. Guess we try to please other people way too much, we'll forget to stand up ourselves most of the time.

We stop at the Greenhouse's chamber's door and face each other. "Your luggage should be in there. If there's anything you'll need to discuss, you know where to find me." he says. I nod with a sweet smile:"Thank you, Remus. Truly.". Remus nods, then turns around and starts walking away:"Good night, Professor (Y/L). Try not to snore so much.". "Wh-?!" my face goes red. Professor Lupin disappears quickly from sight and I enter the chamber that is right next to the Herbology classroom. Looking around my new room which is pretty small, but at the same time very cute and cozy. There is a little fireplace in one corner, sofa and coffee table in front of it, tiny kitchen area in other corner, a queen sized bed, a writing table and a closet to put my clothes in. Small bathroom with all of its equipments. Pretty much everything one person needs for living. All of my luggages are in here too. After putting a fire on the fireplace with a spell, I start to unpack.

While folding the clothes, one of my luggage starts to rattle. "Hm?" I glance over the shoulder to see what's going on. Then the luggage falls down and opens. A dark grey niffler rolls out of it. "Sniffy!" I gasp. The niffler shook its head and starts to look its surroundings. "I'm sorry for the wait. The ceremony lasted longer than I thought." I giggle how cute the niffler looks while it sniffs around the room. Didn't have the heart to leave him back to my place, nor give him to someone to take care of. The only person I could have trusted him to is my aunt-Ruby. But then again, Sniffy would have drive her into madness eventually... After putting everything in place, I take a shower and change my clothes into pyjamas. As the fire blazes in the fireplace, I slide under the covers. Sniffy climbs next to me to keep himself warm. Gently stroking his back:"Tomorrow is a big day for us, Sniffy.". For a moment or two, I start to think everything that has happened so far.

Coming back here, feels like a warm hug. Except meeting with the Potions Master... That felt almost like a cold slap in middle of warm summer - so to speak. Wonder if we'll ever get along? Quick second my body shivers as I remember vividly how he stared at me when he was looking down on me. If looks could kill... Quickly shooking my head to clear my thoughts. Part of me is quite nervous about the teaching, but the other part of me is pretty confident. Herbology is one of my strongest areas after all. But not the passion. Guess, in life you can't really have it all. Can you? Letting out a deep breath. "Good night, Sniffy." I peck a kiss on top of his head and pull the blanket over us. The niffler tunnels its way crook of my neck like almost every night, specially if he is in new environment. Everything's going to be alright. Nothing can hurt me or Sniffy as long as we're here in Hogwarts. Where the Greatest Wizard of all time is looking out for us. Soon enough, I fall into a sleep.

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