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For a quick moment I got confused and started to look around from where I'm standing. Don't know if I'm just seeing things or am I in the wrong classroom. Wouldn't be the first time if I got lost in the wrong place. There is a big, white screen in front of the class, where there are pictures of a werewolf and an animagus. "Well, well, well... Should have guessed to see you here. Right after the classes are over." Snape's smooth voice brings me back from the light shock. Frowning confused at him. What does that mean? "...Where is he?" I ask. "Why you need to know?" he asks back. "I need to talk to him." I answer. Even my heart keeps pounding heavy in my chest out of nervousness, I still keep brave face. Trying so hard not to think the reason I'm looking for Remus, in case he's reading my mind. Snape turns his eyes away from me and starts slowly walking this way. "Unfortunately, Lupin wasn't capable of teaching, so I took his place for today." he sounds a bit too gleeful. My face drops, slightly worried:"Why? Is he sick?". That made Snape stop walking and narrow those black eyes on me. Silence descended on the room.

Then he completely ignores my question and continues the slow walk:"Is there anything I can assist you with, Miss (Y/L)?". Not going to lie, I'm getting fed up with his attitude towards me. "I'm afraid not." I answer bluntly. "Doubt that. As a professor, you seem to need a lot of guidance." a quick grin visits on his face. Then I just shook my head and turn around:"Forget it. I'll find him on my own then.". "May I suggest to take a dog whistle with you?" he ask. Quickly, I stop and sharply turn around to look at him. He looks enjoying he got the reaction out of me. Then he shrugs:"You two are after all running after each other like a couple of lost puppies.". What is his deal? Knowing Snape and Remus don't have the best relationship, but he's insulting my friend for no reason. So, I take the low blow and smile:"You just proved my point; I do need a competent Wizard, who indeed knows something about the Defence Against the Dark Arts.". Snape's smug smirk falls down pretty quick. Hah! Remus has briefly told me how Snape actually has applied for the job for D.A.D.A., but never got it. No matter how many times he has tried.

Without saying anything else, I roll my eyes and turn around, ready to head out. I'll safe Buckbeak myself, if need to. Just when I get to the door, all of sudden Snape is standing right behind me. Huh? Before I can react, he holds onto side of my arms and slams my back against the doorway. My heart skips a beat and eyes widens out of surprise. As initial reaction, my hand goes to my wand which is back of the pants, but I won't take it out. Snape is looking straight into my (e/c) eyes with gritted teeth. "No matter how many times you have proofed me your ignorance, Miss (Y/L)... You really should pipe it down. Specially, when you don't know who you are speaking to." his voice vibrates smoothly, yet threatening way. It makes my skin shiver. Don't know if it's because of the way he's holding me against this wall, or is it how close he has brought himself... A blush raises on my cheeks for some reason. Being so petrified by the moment, I won't realize how his eyes went down to my lips for a split second, then back to my eyes. I'm just trying to survive here! Really don't know what to do here, so I just frown at him:"It's Professor (Y/L) to you.".

Snape is just about to say something back, but Lockhart appears to the door all of sudden. The History of Magic Professor stops himself right away when he sees us standing at the doorway. Both of our heads snaps right towards him. "Oh! Bad timing?" he lets out an awkward chuckle. Snape lets go of me and turns to face him:"What is it?". I'm just standing here and try to settle down my heart. My face is burning! "Headmaster was asking for you, Severus. Said it's urgent." Lockhart informs. Without a word, Snape glares him up and down, then leaves us standing at the doorway. Lockhart chuckles and says something I didn't quite put a mark on. I'm trying to comprehend everything what just happened. I can still feel his hands around my arms.

Then, I feel Lockhart's gentle touch on my shoulder and my head snaps right back at him with a questioning look. "The book. What did you think of it?" he smiles. Realizing he must've mean the book he borrowed me. Forcing a smile on my face:"Oh! Oh, that..- it was very informative. Yes. Thank you again for borrowing it. Appreciate it. I have been meaning to return it, but..-", "There is no hurry. Take your time." he put his hands up to reassure. "Thank you." I nod. Back of my head, I'm already planning to go look for Remus when I notice Lockhart is staring at me with soft look on his face. It got me wondering what's on his mind. Wish I could be skillet Legilimens. "If there is anything - anything else you need from me, you know where to find me." he caress side of my arm. I get consumed by this weird feeling by his touch. It's nothing like the Potions Master's. "I'll... I'll try to remember that." I chuckle and leave. That was odd.

The next day, I found Remus and told him everything that happened regarding Buckbeak and the auction in the Forbidden Forest. He was hesitant at first, but I managed to talk him around and he agreed to come with me. No one can know our plan. Everything needs to be very settle and unnoticeable. We agreed to meet each other at the entry of the Forbidden Forest at seven. That way, we got enough time to find where the Dark Wizards are having the auction. Then we sneak in and safe Buckbeak! There is only one thing... We'll need Invisibility potion. Using the Disillusionment Charm won't last long, unlike the potion. And we have no time to collect all the right ingredients to it, talk about brewing the potion as well. So... "You go and steal it from Snape's classroom." I quickly suggest when we came to the understanding what we need to do. Remus shook his head:"No. I'm not stepping my foot in there.". "Oh, c'mon! We got no time for your two's arguments. We need it for tonight!" I try to reason.

We are in my chamber, so no one can hear or suddenly walk in on us. Sniffy is sitting on my lap as I'm sitting on the sofa. Remus keeps walking back and forth the room. "I am not stealing from Severus and that's that." he tap two of his fingers on back of the sofa to make his point. Crossing arms over my chest and lean back:"Fine! What do we do then? Bet you have better idea then.". He thinks for a moment. Then he points at me:"You. You need to get it.". "What?! No way!" I snap back. "Yes! Severus won't suspect a thing if you'll bring him some of your plants like end of every month." Remus got excited about the idea. I sigh deep:"Okay, first of all; it's not end of the month. Second; how can he not suspect anything? He can read minds!". Remus rubs his fingers against his palm, knowing I'm right. Sniffy wakes up from his nap and jumps off. Remus's face lights up:"The niffler.".

After our meeting, there is no time to waste! I gathered some random plants and herbs with me and head to the Potions classroom with Sniffy. Okay, keep it cool, (Y/N). You can do this! Didn't take long before the Potions Master himself opened the door after I knocked. He looks down to me with very suspicious look:"Yes..?". Acting irritated and show him the box in my hands:"I forgot these from the last delivery. Thought I'd bring them now before you'll go all dungeon bat mode and storm in my class.". He sighs and lets me in. Just when he opens the door more for me to enter, he sees the niffler walking right behind me on the leash. "What is that doing in here?" he asks with a hint of disgust. "Sniffy? I was about to take him for his evening walk, but decided to come here before I do so.". That wasn't a lie. I am going to walk him before we'll leave. Snape glares down at the niffler for a second before he goes to continue whatever he was doing before we arrived.

Keeping it all cool, I place the plants down where I usually do and... 'Accidentally' drop Sniffy's leash out of my hand. Knowing Sniffy really well, he starts investigating the new environment right away. Snape is quick to notice the running niffler and the corner of his mouth twitches out of annoyance. I take a glimpse up and see the Invisibility potion. Snape realizes Sniffy is about to climb up the shelves and knock down all of his possessing, he shoots up from his seat:"Don't you have the control of your own beast?!". While Snape is being too busy with the niffler, I approach the right shelf behind his back. "Ooh, Sniffy. Nooo..!" acting like I care and snatch the right bottle. Brilliant!

Couple of bottles and books drops down from the shelves, until Snape grabs niffler by back of the neck. Sniffy lets out a little squeal. Oh no! Quickly Snape pulls out his wand and looks Sniffy right in the eyes:"Why you little useless rodent..!". I come in and grab Sniffy into my arms:"I'm terribly sorry!". Then I start to back up towards the door with a fake smile:"Guess I should have thought this thru before coming in here.". Snape tries to calm himself down, even he's fuming. Right before I leave, I glance over my shoulder:"But hey, what do I know? I'm just an ignorant person.".

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