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Two months has gone by. The grass is green. Flowers are blooming. The sky is blue. Over all, the weather is nice and warm. There are students playing and hanging out around the yard, enjoying the sunny day after the classes. Nothing special has happened in the castle lately. It's been rather boring, if you ask me. Have been so focused on the job itself and everything that has to do with the apprenticeship - which is not easy, I'll tell you that. Right after classes I need to study and make reports of them. Talk about checking up on students tests before that and staying up late... All of the professors has been so supportive and helpful in their own way - well, most of them. You would think there is peace in the castle after getting rid of Gilderoy Lockhart. But we still have our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher... Don't know if she's any better. Even Dumbledore is here to ease all of the ridiculous rules, we all secretly wish Umbridge would leave. The sooner the better. But that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. Unfortunately.

"Oh, how much I love the spring!" Professor Flitwick sighs out of delight while we are walking side by side outside in the castle's yard. "Mm, sure is." I nod with a smile. Sniffy - who is on the leash, is enjoying the weather too. He keeps sniffing all of the flowers and does a little sneeze every now and then. So cute! "Have you figured out what is your position in Hogwarts after the summer yet?" Filius asks. "No, not really. Dumbledore has been so busy we haven't had the time to discuss it properly." I answer. If I can't get any position from the school, I probably will be transferred to continue my studies to another Wizardy school. Which I'm not quite happy about. Knowing Mrs. Sprout doesn't need an assistant when it comes to the Greenhouse or Herbology itself. Neither any of the other professors in the whole school. So what does that leave for me?

My thoughts gets cut off by Filius's voice:"What the..?". I glance down to see what is he doing. He keeps searching something from all of his pockets. "Is something wrong, Professor?" I wonder. "...My pocket watch. I swear I had it right in my chest pocket when I left the class." he keeps patting all of the pockets. Doesn't even take a second when I turn to the beast other end of the leash. Then I hunch down and use gentle tone:"Sniffy, come here.". The half goblin next to me raises his eyebrow at me. The niffler stops and turns to look at us. His little heart is pounding fast as usual when he knows he has done something bad. Reaching my hand towards him with warm smile:"Come on... Let me take a quick look at you.". Sniffy gives me the 'nope' - look and tries to run away, but gets quickly stopped by the leash. I drop down the warm smile:"Knew it.". "Knew what?" Filius wonders.

Then, I start reeling the niffler back, so I can grab him:"Is there anyone in the castle you haven't robbed yet..?". Sniffy's tiny hands leaves little marks on the grass as he tries to resist the pull. Finally, I get him into my arms and get the pocket watch out. "Ah, here we are." I hand it to Filius. Luckily, he isn't upset about this - like most of the people would, and just smiles:"Remarkable creature. How old is he again?". Started to count out loud:"Let's see... I got him pretty much right after I graduated from Hogwarts. So, that would be... Almost ten years, actually.". "And still so playful." he points out. I nod:"Oh, yes. Nifflers are like that thru their whole life.". We start talking about all kinds of beasts on our way back inside the castle. After walking some time, we hear familiar high heels walking around the corner behind us. "Ah, Flitwick!" Umbridge's voice echoes to our ears.

We both give each other the 'what now?' - look and turn to face her with fake friendly smiles. "Yes, Professor Umbridge?" Filius asks. Sure, I could have just continue my way and leave them to it, but... I have a feeling I need to stay by his side - just in case. Umbridge walks up to us, completely ignoring me and stares at Filius all time:"Have you had your choir practice already?". "N-no, we haven't. We start at five before dinner - as always." he answer slightly confused by the sudden question. "Tomorrow too?" she asks. "Yes." he nods. "I need you to cancel it." she quickly says. "What? Why?" Filius frowns. "I need to use the Great Hall in detention matters." she gives a sharp nod.

Filius looks confused, he doesn't know what to say. So I jump in:"Detention matters?". That makes her head snap right towards me. It's like she just realized I'm standing right here. Quickly, her eyes goes up and down on me:"Yes.". Then she looks at the Professor beside me:"There are way too many students to be punished, and my classroom won't be enough.". Damn, is she punishing every student in here? "But-but where would we go then? We need space too, you know. After all, the graduation day isn't too far away." Filius tries to stand up for himself. Folding my arms over my chest:"Why can't they be there at the same time? Wouldn't it be punish enough for them to listen the choir's practice?". Filius glances up on me:"Hey..!". "Sorry." I glance down back to him. Umbridge once again has that face she makes when she's about to loose it, but tries so hard to keep it together:"No. I need the Great Hall. Tomorrow after the classes. And that's that.".

Charms Professor gets frustrated and agrees with gritted teeth. Pretty much after that, he leaves. As I'm about to go after him, Umbridge calls:"(Y/N). A moment. If you'll please...". My legs stopped themselves when I heard her high-pitched voice saying my name. Great... Turning around to face her again:"Yes, Mrs. Umbridge?". Her eyes goes once again up and down on me without a word. It's like she wants me to comment about the way she's looking at me. "What?" I ask. "Didn't we have the discussion what's proper to wear in the school, and what is not?" she tilts her head. You gotta be kidding me. Raising an eyebrow at her:"May I ask you, what exactly do you find inappropriate about my outfit this time?". I'm wearing some black pants with a white flowy shirt.

Just when she's about to open her mouth, she glances down to see how my niffler is trying to take one of the jewels off of her heel. Umbridge gasps:"Why in the Merlin's name is that thing here?! Can't you tame it properly?!". Just when she's about to kick Sniffy away, I snatch him into my arms:"He doesn't mean any harm. It's just the way he is.". She's clearly upset about this:"Thief is a thief! No matter if it's untamed beast or not. I will report this to the Headmaster, immediately.". Knowing that won't work, so I'm holding a smirk. "Go ahead. He would most likely love to hear the way I dress too. It's Prada - by the way." I joke. Umbridge huffs and leaves. Phew..! To think few months ago, I wouldn't have the courage to say anything like that - specially to her. Maybe it's because after all that has happened between us, I have finally had enough. Regret starts to creep in, but I quickly shook my head and head back to the Greenhouse.

After taking Sniffy to the chamber, I head to the Potions classroom. "Hello, Mr. Snape!" I greet the Potions Master with bright smile. He turns around to see me:"In a playful mood, are we?". There is no one else in here, so I come in and close the door behind. Shooking my head:"Don't know about that... Got ambushed by the Pink-Lady earlier today.". No further introductions, he knows who I'm talking about. Severus puts his cape aside:"What she wanted this time?". I shrug and come deeper into the room:"Oh, you know the usual... What's new, she actually insulted Sniffy.". "Without a reason, no doubt." he says with the monotonic tone. "Haa-haa..." rolling my eyes sarcastically. Knowing Severus isn't quite fond of my niffler either. But that's alright. Not everyone has to like nifflers. Even they are the best creatures in the whole Wizarding World. Then I go sit on the chair I usually sit when I come here. This is our last Occlumency lesson. I'm actually quite excited. After all, I have come so far!

While Severus goes gets his wand, I continue:"She also commented on my choice of clothing - once again.". No answer. "I just don't get it. No matter what I'm wearing, she always finds away to comment about it - or give the spiteful look." I keep venting. After years and years of dressing up like people do in the Wizarding World, I fell in love with Muggle's fashion. It's way more relaxed and more modern. Nice for a change. Severus takes out his wand and calmly walks towards me:"Honestly, I don't understand what the fuss is about... On my behalf, I do not care what you are wearing, if any at all.". My face goes all red like tomato and eyes wide:"What?". Did he just..? In seconds, Severus realizes what he just said and tries to correct:"Not the way you are thinking, (Y/L). You have nothing to worry about. I do not see you that way.". Oh... Lowering my gaze down and fidgeting my fingers a bit. "Good." I lied. "Let us begin." he declares while taking the wand ready.

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