Chapter 1

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This is my first ever book so I really hope you like it!

If you do, please comment and vote it would mean the world to me.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

On to the story!

Percy's pov

It was a horrible day, to say the least, I should probably start from the beginning.


I had just gotten back from hunting with  Katniss, and we were in the hob trying to sell the last of the squirrels, so we wouldn't have to hunt tomorrow. The hob was like a black market in district 12, and where me and katniss like to sell most of the animals we hunt.

I was just selling the last rabbit to Greasy Sae. She didn't always give the best price for the animals, but was always willing to buy the stuff that no one else wants to like wild dog meat. So I tried to keep a good relationship with her.

I made my way out of the old building and started to walk to the town square. That's when I heard a familiar voice call out,"No, stop!"

I turned around quickly and saw my mother standing in front of a little boy with her arms out. Two peacekeepers were standing in front of my mother. One of them had a gun out. I realized what had happened after seeing the boy holding an apple and standing a little ways away from a fruit stand.

Stealing was really bad in District 12, and you could get shot on the spot for it. I started sprinting over with katniss right on my heel, and I pushed through the crowd that had now formed. They all parted as they saw me and recognized me.

Almost everyone in district 12 knew and loved my mom. She would give medicine, food, money, and clothes to those who needed it, seeing as we were one of the more lucky families in the district. Mom ran the main apothecary business after the everdeens stopped it. And because I was her son, I was loved too, I tried to help as much as I could, and I took out around 150 tesserae every year and gave it to those who needed it.

That was one of my best kept secrets. Only mom, katniss, and Prim knew. I was 17 now, so my name was in there so many times. It amazed me every year that I wasn't picked for the games. Although, i had I feeling I was going to be in the games this year even if I don't get picked.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as the peacekeeper not holding the gun said," Ms. Jackson, We don't want to hurt you. If you step out of the way, you won't get hurt, but if you don't, we're gonna be forced to arrest you. You know the punishment for stealing is death, and this boy was caught stealing." I knew that the peacekeepers weren't supposed to do that. They were supposed to kill her on the spot, but even the peacekeepers loved my mom. She was nice to them when she didn't have to be.

I called out to her and said for her to stand back, but I knew that it was pointless. She wasn't going to let the 7 year old be shot.

Then my worst fear happened, and the head peacekeeper showed up for the reaping that was in three days. And he had seen the whole thing.

I watched as he pulled out his gun, and I saw the look of horror on everyone's faces. Everyone turned to me, and I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks. Katniss raped her arms around my body.

It was like my body was frozen as I watched him aim at the woman who raised me. I closed my eyes, knowing what was coming, and my heart broke as I heard the gunshot that took away the most important person in the world to me. It was quickly followed by a second shot, and I heard her scream.

I opened my eyes to see her on the ground and the little boy crying next to her as I realized that she took the second shot for him and saved him.

A single voice rang out through the silence, and I realized almost all of district 12 was here and staring right at me.

"LET THIS BE A LESSON, NEVER BREAK THE RULES OR YOU WILL END UP WITH THE SAME FATE." the head peacekeeper yelled. He left with the other two peacekeepers from before quickly following. They look completely shocked at what just happened.

End of flashback

I ran towards my mother's body as the eyes of everyone in district 12 followed me. I stopped just short of her body and fell to my knees. Staring in shock. Then I punched the ground as hard as I could, I did it again and again until my knuckles were bleeding. I felt more tears fall out of my eyes, and I bent down and kissed my mom's forehead.

I got up and walked over to the boy who was cowering in shame for what he caused. I felt everyone's eyes still on me. I surprised everyone by picking the boy off the ground and hugged him. He cried into my shoulder, and I told him I don't blame him.

I put the boy down and started speaking to him," I don't blame you for her death, she wouldn't have let you get hurt no matter what, but you don't have to steal food. You can always ask me, okay?" I said in the softest voice I could muster at the time.

"Okay." He said quietly. I picked him up and walked over to the owner of the dress shop, Ms. Taylor. "I know you've wanted a child of your own. Could you do me a favor and take care of him?" I asked her. "It's the least I could do, percy, and he seems like a nice little boy. I will take great care of him and adopt him." Ms. Taylor said while smiling at him.

I put him down and walked. The crowd parted and let me through. I started running and made it back to ou- I mean my house. I ran in and threw myself onto my bed.

"Son." I looked up to see Poseidon, my dad looking at me softly. There is something I have never told anyone, not my mom, not Katniss, not even prim.

After dad had to leave when I was two, he told me that he would visit me every day late at night, but I had to keep it a secret. He trained me every day and taught me so many things. He taught me how to master so many different weapons and even gave me a sword. He explained that he was a Greek god and had traveled to a different dimension and met my mother. He taught me all my powers and much more. He pushed me hard, and I grew to be a really strong and smart boy. I was 17 now and years of training every night in the forest paid off, I was one of the ones fit people in the district. I used that to be able to hunt better to be able to give away more food.

"I know what happened, Percy. I'm so sorry." Dad said as he hugged me. "I will miss your mother very much, and I made sure she went straight to elysium." He added. I just hugged him tighter.

We stayed like that for a while before I heard a knock on the front door. "I will talk to you soon, percy. And I just want you to know that I will always be watching over you and helping you even when you don't think I am. And everything happens for a reason."

Word count: 1,283

That was the end of chapter 1! And that was a lot packed into one chapter.

I just wanted to say, this is my first EVER book, and if you like it, please 🙏 🙏 comment because I don't know if it is good or not. I will try to update soon, I will start summer camp soon, so I might not be able to write much, though.


Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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