Chapter 15

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Percy's pov

I stood in front of the microphone looking down at the note card Effie wrote me. It's was just a bunch of crap about my dear condolences to the families. I crumbled the note card in my hand and looked up at the people of 11.

"I didn't know Thresh, I know he dearly cared about Rue, though. He took good care of her in the capital, and that's why he has my respect and my condolences to his family. I did know Rue, and she reminded me of Prim every day. I see her in the flowers back at 12, I see her in the trees, the sky, the breeze. Her death was my fault, I should have protected her. And because of that, I give her family dearest condolences," a tear rolled down my cheek looking at their family's.

The crowd looked at me until one man in the front took his three middle fingers on his left hand, touched them to his lips, and raised them in the air towards me. The rest of the crowd slowly followed.

The peacekeepers moved on to the old man who originally started it. They started beating him up.

"No! No, stop!" I yelled at them.
Haymitch came out and pulled us off the stage into a build near it just as I heard a gunshot ring out.

He left Clove with Enobaria and effie in the first room but pulled me away. He quickly checked around, making sure there weren't any people our cameras.

"What the fuck was that?!?" He yelled at me, "why didn't you just read the fucking note cards?"

"I was just doing what I thought was right, what I thought Rue's family deserved to hear," I looked down at my feet.

"Look, Percy, when both you and Clove won the games, Snow looked at it as a sign of rebellion. Not a show of your love. If you want your loved ones to live, you need to do exactly what we say," Haymitch said strictly.

"Ok, I'm sorry," I said to him.

"Let's just get this tour over with  and get you back to the train.


District 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and now 2. Clove stood in front of the microphone. Now, she looked at the note card and looked back up at Cato's family

"Cato was a strong tribute. He was our ally, and our friend. In the end, he sacrificed himself so I could win. I will forever be greatfull for that." The crowd cheered quietly, but I saw a smile on Cato's mothers face, and that made it worth it.

This time, we walked back to the train death free, ready for the short train ride to the final district, 1.

District 1 had a huge stage set up with a sea of people I'm in front of it. I took my place at the microphone.

"I never had as close of a relationship with Marvel and Glimmer as I wish. They were both strong tributes. They died too young, everyone did, for that, I give my condolences to their families."

Then we left on the train to the capital.


Word count 536
Sorry, this is a shorty


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