Chapter 7

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Chapter 7!!!! Wow the story is going so fast, and I really hope you like this story because I have been putting so much work into this. If you do like it please comment and tell me because I really don't know if you guys actually like this story.

This is unrelated but to those of you who have read keepers of the lost cities you will understand. I just cried so much because I re-read the part where Kenric died and his wanderling planting and it's just so sad 😭.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

Anyways on to the story

Percy pov

It was about 5 hours before the interviews. And I was with Haymitch, Prim was with Effie going over posture and what we should say.

"Ok we have to figure out how we want you to act, Percy." Haymitch Said. "I feel like a carefree attitude would be best. And just make it seem like the games are the least of my problems." I told him. He thought for a while.

"I agree but I also want you to bring up your mom for sympathy. I want the capital to understand how much you have been through and I want them to see how strong you are. A 17 year old boy losing all his family and then volunteering for the hunger games to save the closest person to family he has left." Haymitch said. I was a little angry at him for bringing her up but I agree that it was a good idea.

After practicing with him I felt much more ready for the interviews.


I was in the dressing room waiting for the stylists to be down with the final touches. I was dressed in a nice suit, it was royal blue with gold accents. Portia stepped back and looked up at me.

"You look perfect, now let's get you out there." She said, I followed her out and was just in time to see Prim finish up. Caesar introduced me and I confidently walked out. The crowd started cheering and I sat down in the chair next to Caesar.

"Well I have a lot of questions, as do many of the people in the audience I must assume." He said. The crowd cheered, answering his question. "First off I have to ask how did you get a 12? You're the first person to ever get one and not to mention it was achieved by district 12." Caesar said in surprise.

"Well I would love to tell you but, you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to see." I told him.

"Ah well that's no fun. But I think the biggest question we were all wondering is, why did you volunteer?" He asked. Yes! I thought this is what I wanted him to ask.

"Well honestly there was almost nothing holding me back, I couldn't let Prim go alone because she's the closest thing to family I have left." I told him.

"What about your parents?" he pushed. I took a deep breath bracing myself for the tough topic ahead," Well my dad left when I was very young. And my mom" I choked up but then continued. "My mom was shot a couple days before the reaping." I finished. Everyone gasped and Caesar looked shocked.

"I offer my deepest condolences" He said before moving on." But I'm sure there are some people who would love to date a nice man like you and I'm wondering do you have anyone special at home?" He asked

"Actually I don't." I told him.

"How could such a strong good looking man like you not have someone special?" Caesar asked.
"I never said I didn't have someone special I just said they weren't from district 12." I told him while smirking

"Oh so have you met a possible lover here then?" Caesar asked.

"Yes I have." I told him.

"Hmm, is it the lovely girl from district 1?" He asked.

"No, but you're getting closer, I'm not sure if she likes me back, though."

"I'm certain she does. Who wouldnt like a man as great as you." He said." But im also wondering about your costume for the opening ceremony." He said, changing to a happier subject.

"Oh yeah, the boy on fire. You've probably never seen that one before." I said bring back my carefree attitude.

"Yes it seems district 12 is very interesting this year. And I think our time is up." He finished. I stood up and bowed to the crowd. And they all started cheering like crazy. I walked over and stood next to the rest of the tributes as Caesar said some final words and we all went back to our floors in the training building.


Haymitch and Effie were bringing us to the rooftop because that's where the planes were picking us up to take us to the arena. We were instructed to go to the roof at 7am on the dot and it was 6:59.

We walked out and saw the plane that would lead us to our deaths. Haymitch gave us hugs and so did Effie.

"We don't want to get attached to you guys, but you are definitely our favorite year and the only year we think district 12 can win this." Effie said. They both said goodbye one more time and wished us luck before leaving. We walked on to the plane to see most of the tributes already there. I sat down in an empty chair next to Clove and Prim sat on the other side of me. Clove gave me a sad smile and a quick "good luck Percy" I wished her good looks and then the last tributes came on the plane.

The door to the plane closed and I noticed that there were no windows, probably so we couldn't see where we were going. It was dimly little and I could see a person going around putting something in everyone's arms. The person got to me and I didn't flinch away when she told me it was a tracker. She stuck a huge needle into my arm and it hurt a lot. But when she pulled away the the needle the hole in my arm closed immediately and i saw something move around under my skin.


Prims pov

I was so nervous, the games were about to start and I was pacing the room. Cinna already put me in my clothes for the games and now he was sitting in a chair near me assuring me it would be ok.

"I believe in you Prim, all you have to do is stick to the plan." Cinna told me. He gave up on getting me to eat food. I was worried if I ate anything I would throw it up when we got in there.

"I almost forgot." Cinna said as he jumped up and walked over to me. He took something out of his pocket and it was a pin. Percy had showed me the pin Madge gave him and this one was just like it. Cinna pinned it to my jacket and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I know your scared Prim but I know you can do this, I can't bet on anyone but if I could I would bet on you girl on fire." He told me before pushing me towards the tube the would take me up into the arena. The door shut and I gave Cinna one last smile.

Percy's pov

I just finished my last blue cookie that the cook made for me and the games were close to starting. I was pretty sure that the cook was surprised that I wanted to eat since most people are too nervous but I knew I would be just fine.

Portia walked up to me and pinned my mockingjay pin onto my jacket. She didn't say anything but she didn't need to. Me and her had gotten pretty close over the past couple days and I knew that she didn't want to let me go but I walked over to the tube and gave her one last hug before the doors closed and the vanished.

I made it to the top and looked around. I spotted Prim and she looked at me. I gave her a reassuring smile. There was a lake to my right and it looked like we were in a meadow surrounded by forest. I turned towards the Cornucopia. I heard the count down and got ready to run.











Let The 74th Hunger Games Begin

I hoped you guys liked the chapter. It is way too late to still be up but I am do I could finish this chapter for you guys. I didn't edit this chapter so sorry if there are mistakes.

Word count: 1,507

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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