Chapter 13

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⚠️I don't own Hunger Games or Percy Jackson⚠️

On to the story!

Percy's pov

I woke up to see Clove sleeping in my arms, I loved waking up to see her. I slowly got up making sure not to wake her up. I walked into the bathroom and got a quick shower. When I got out I put on a tight blue t-shirt and some jeans. I walked out to see Clove just waking up.

"Good morning babe." I said to her. She was so cute in the morning that I couldn't stand it. I walked over and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning Percy. I think I'm gonna go back to my room to get ready." She said.

"Ok, I will see you at breakfast."

She walked out of the room and after a little bit I walked out to the table. The only people there were Haymitch and Enobaria.

"Good morning lovebird, did you sleep well with Clove last night?" Enobaria asked me. I blushed, how did she know about that.

"Umm, yeah. I did." I told her while sitting down at the table. She just smiled.

"Hello!" Was the over enthusiastic call Effie. She sat down at the table in the free spot next to me. We all talked a little before Clove came out and sat next to me. We ate a good breakfast of pancakes and bacon along with a bunch more stuff I didn't know the name of.

"Time to get on the train!" effie almost shouted while pushing us out the door and the short walk to the train station. When we got there I noticed there wad a bunch of people waving goodbye to us. I pulled Clove close to me and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and started waving to people. Then we got on the train and started the short trip to district 2.

Me and Clove were in the living room watching the TV. Some show was playing and it seemed kinda interesting. Clove was curled up into my side and my arm was wrapped around her. I get bored and started kissing her neck and collarbone. She tried to push my head away but I kept going.

"Stop" She whined trying and failing to hide the smile on her face.

"You know you want me to." I said. I laughed a little and then curled closer to me.

"Yeah, but we're going to be there soon." She said.

"Fiiiiine." I said. Then I pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

Some more time passed and eventually the train slowed down and came to a stop. We got up and I changed into a light blue button up shirt. Clove quickly changed into a simple light dress that matched my shirt, because everyone seemed to love when we matched.

We walked together to the doors of the train and saw effie and Enobaria waiting for us. I quickly sealed my nerves and we walked out. I saw a crowd had formed outside of the train with a bunch of people cheering cloves name. I saw Clove look around for someone and then run over to a girl about her age with blonde hair and hug her tightly. I walked over to them as they pulled apart.

"I missed you so much mia!" Clove said excitedly to the girl.

"I missed you to Clove!" She said just as excited.

"Oh, Percy, this is my best friend Mia." Clove told me.

"Nice to meet you Mia." I told her politely.

"I'll talk to you more later ok mia?" Clove asked. Mia nodded and gave her one more hug before walking away. Clove grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a group of people. When we got there I noticed that all of them looked very similar so this was probably her family.

"Percy, this is my mom, dad and older siblings." Clove told me. Clove's parents and sister smiled warmly at me, but her brother just glared at me and mumbled something about me under his breath.

"If you have something to say about me you can say it to my face." I told him calmly after stepping closer to him. He looked to be about 5'11 so he was tall and I was about 6'3 so I easily towered over him.

"I said, you're probably just another guy that wants to be with her because of her looks." He told me madly.

"What about me and why I'm here right now makes you think I'm the type of person to just use her like that." I told him calmly but started to get a little mad.

He looked so angry and threw a punch right at my face. I reached my hand out and caught his punch mid air and twisted his hand and tightening my grip.

"Ok you may not like me and that's ok but I love your sister and I'm not going to leave her just because you don't like me. You can just leave me alone and I'll gladly leave you alone but I'm not leaving Clove." I told him firmly before pulling Clove to me and kissing the top of her head. I looked down at her to see her smiling at me. Then I turned back to the rest of her family. They were all smiling at me.

"Hi, I'm Clove's mom but you can call me Cindy." Cindy said before pulling me into a hug. She looked exactly like Clove just a little older. Then who I assumed was Cloves dad came over.

"I'm her dad, you can call me Matthew." He said to me, Then a girl a little older and taller than Clove walked up to me. And pulled me into a hug.

"I'm Cassie, Clove's older sister and I just wanted to say, I'm so glad little Clovey ended up with such a good man like you who is willing to go through so much pain just to be with her." She told me. I smiled at her.

"Well when you love someone as much as I love Clove you will do anything to be with them." After I finished she just smiled more.

We spent the rest of the day taking and getting to know each other. But before I knew we were in front of the train saying goodbye to Clove's family.

"It was so nice meeting all of you guys, we will have to vest again soon and next time Stay for longer." I said after giving Cindy and Cassie a hug goodbye.

"Yep, now we have to head to district 12 to see Percy's friends." Cloves said.

"What about your family, or did you run away from them just like you're going to do to Clove?" Cameron said to me. The smile fell from my face and I got serious all of a sudden.

"I'm a only child. My dad left when I was a baby and my mother was shot by the peacekeepers a few days before the reaping. And my mom's parents are dead as well." I told him. The smirk fell from his face and I could see he was embarrassed.

"Oh, Percy, I'm so sorry." Cindy said while hugging me again.

"It's ok, now I have Clove." I told her while holding Clove and kissing her cheek.

They all smiled and said goodbye one more time before we got on the train.

"I'm sorry my brother was so mean to you." Clove told me

"It's ok, he was just trying to protect you." I told her. She smiled at me. "Now it's getting kinda late we should probably go to bed little Clovey." I told her laughing at the nickname her sister gave her.

"Oh come on, why did you have to bring up the nickname?" She said blushing.

"Because you look so cute when you blush." I told her. She just blushed more. We started walking our separate ways before she turned back.



"Well, umm I was just wondering if I could sleep with you again tonight." She asked quietly.

"Of course, babe. Just come into my room when you're ready for bed." I told her, smiling. Then we went back to our rooms and i got a shower. When I got out I went into my closet to get some clothes. That's when I heard the door to my bedroom open and close. I threw on some gray sweatpants and no shirt and walked out. I saw Clove sitting on the edge of the bed.

When she saw me she smiled. I went over and laid down on my side of the bed. Climbed over and laid down next to me. She gave me a quick kiss but I wasn't satisfied. So I pulled her closer and gave her a long, passionate kiss before we settled down and went to bed.

Word count 1493

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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