Chapter 2

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Chapter 2! The second chapter of the book, if you like to story please tell me. I would love feedback on if it's good or not 😊.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

Anyways, on to the story!

Prim's pov

After I saw what happened in the square I Immediately felt horrible for Percy. He was like a Big Brother to me and I loved him so much. I knew how much his mom meant to him and I miss her as well.

I saw him go into his house and everyone in the square went back to what they were doing. The peacekeepers already took away the body so people would clear the area. I found Katniss and told her I was going to talk to percy.

Katniss always said I had a special connection with him. I could always cheer him up even during the worst of times.

"Ok, you can go. But be back by dinner and don't pressure him to talk if he doesn't want to." Katniss told me. She had tears threatening to come out of her eyes. I knew she loved Sally a lot. In fact it was due to her that we were still alive.

After our dad died in a mine explosion we didn't have any money to get food with.


Me and katniss were walking around in the rain trying to sell an old dress. But I tripped and got mud all over it. That's when a nice looking woman came up to us.

"Hi I am Sally, I heard you were trying to trade that lovely dress?" She said in a soft kind voice. "Yeah, but it's all dirty and no one wants a dirty dress." Katniss responded.

"Well, that's not true darling. I would love to trade these loaves of bread for the dress. In fact, keep the dress and take the bread." She said, She handed Katniss the bread and walked away. I was very confused why she would give us the bread. Bit then I remembered that everyone always said a woman named Sally was very nice and this must be that woman.

Flashback over

I knocked on the front door to Percy's house and waited for an answer. I faintly heard someone say come in so I opened the door. As I walked in I saw Percy with his head in his hands sitting on the couch.

I closed the door and walked over. I gently sat down next to him and gave him a hug. After a little while he hugged me back and I could tell how broken he was. I hugged him like that for I don't know how long, wishing comforting words in his ear.

He fell asleep and I laid him down on the couch. I got up and walked to his bedroom. I took a blanket off the bed and walked back over to Percy and wrapped the blanket around him. Then I left the house so he could have privacy.

🕑⏰️Time skip⏰️🕑

3rd person pov

Percy hadn't come out of his house since he went in there yesterday after the incident. People were getting worried about him and the fact that the reaping was tomorrow.

It was around 6 pm when Percy came out. He was holding a bunch of Sally's dresses.

Percy's pov

I decided to give away the rest of mom's dresses besides one. The dress I kept was my favorite of hers and it reminded me of her so much. I walk around slowly giving away the rest of the dresses and telling people that I hoped they could find a good use for it.

After that I met katniss In the woods to hunt. I think she was surprised to see me but happy nonetheless. I also met Gale there. Gale was my best friend In district 12. We had known each other since we were about 5.

"Hey guys." I said as I saw them on the edge of the trees. They looked at me and smiled. After a while of hunting we went to sell everything and we got good prices for the animals.

We were walking back and I decided to say something," I think I'm going to be in the games this year, I mean my name is in there over 200 times, it would be very unlikely to not get picked. If I do get picked I just want to say that I will miss both of you so much." As I finished I saw both of them look at me with sad smiles.

"We will miss you too perce." Gale said as he hugged me. He soon left to go to his house. I hugged Katniss and started speaking," I will see you tomorrow when I get back with Prim from hunting, then we can all go to the reaping together." She said bye then walked Into her house.

Every Monday morning I go to the forest with Prim to teach her how to use a bow after she asked me about it a while back. I got cleaned up and went to bed to get a lot of sleep so I would be more prepared for whatever happened tomorrow.

⏰️🕑Time skip to after hunting the next day⏰️🕑

I just dropped prim off at her house and I was on my way back to my own house to get ready for the reaping. I walked into my bedroom and saw my dad standing there with a dark blue suit. He did this every year. He would get I nice suit and help me look my best for the reaping. It was a small act of kindness but it really made a horrible day a little better. I put it on and it fit perfectly.

"Percy, I might not see you for a while so I want you to know I love you and always stay the same smart kind percy I love." I hugged him and he disappeared.

I walked over to katniss' house and she and Prim came out. Katniss looked great in a light blue dress and prim was in a white blouse and Grey skirt.

"Hello" I said politely, "ready to go?" Katniss nodded and started walking next to me. Prim just looked at the ground and started crying. I picked her up and told her, her name was only in the bowl one time and it would be ok.

She looked up and hugged me softly, I wiped away her tears and put her down. We continued to walk and got there. I was separated from Prim and Katniss as I went to the boys half and found Gale. We made small talk until Effie Trinket walked on to the stage. The mayor walked up after and stood in front of the microphone. He just started talking when a very drunk Haymitch stumbled on stage and walked into a wall before finding his seat.

Nobody likes Haymitch but he is the only Victor from district 12 still alive. The mayor said the mandatory speech on how amazing the capital was, and then we watched the video on how district 13 sucks, the capital is amazing and we all are being punished for the revolution. The mayor sat back down and Effie came up.

"Well, well, well, the 74th hunger games are finally here! Aren't you all just so excited? Anyways, on to the reaping." Nobody said anything but you could tell we were all the exact opposite of excited. "As always, lady's first!" Effie reached her hand into the huge bowl and swirled it around I little until she grabbed one piece of paper and walked back over to the microphone.

"The girl tribute for the 74th hunger games is... Primrose Everdeen!" My heart sank, prim the sweet little prim was going into a game where you fight to the death. I zoned out the rest of the time as a plan formed in my head. I heard them call out the name of the boy tribute and it wasn't me. I wait until Effie asked the question I was waiting for.

And now, are there any volunteers for the boys?" I ran out into the isle leading up to the stage.

"I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute!" I yelled as loud as I could. I walked up to the stage and the boy that was chosen looked at me thankfully. I got up there and walked to Effie.

"What is your name darling?" She asked in her capital accent.

"Percy Jackson." I replied. But before she could say anything else Prim jumped up onto my arms and hugged me. She started crying into my shirt and I comforted her when she calmed down I put her down.

"Well isn't that heart warming, anyways can we get a round of applause for this year's tributes?" She asked. No one applauded. Instead I saw someone in the crowd raised their three middle fingers on their left hand and put them in the air towards me and Prim. Everyone else soon followed and the whole crowd was doing it.

"Well isn't that strange," Effie mumbled mostly to herself. "As always, Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" Effie quickly finished while gently pushing me and Prim off the stage and into the building.


Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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