Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 already, the story is going along so fast! As always, if you like the story, please comment and tell me.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

Anyways, on to the story!

Percy's pov

The peacekeepers lead us into private rooms to say goodbye to our family. It was kind of ironic because the rest of my mom died just a few days ago, and my dad lived in a different dimension.

I studied the room and I realized it was quite nice. There was a plush coach in one corner with a small table next to it and a lamp on the other side. The other half of the room had a window with a table under it and a box of tissues on the table. As I paced the room, I wondered how many people have said teary goodbyes in this room. Unfortunately, the answer was probably a lot.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and Katniss came in. I looked at her and she ran to me and hugged me. I savored the moment, knowing that it was going to be the last time I ever would see her. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes, and I saw tears running down her face.

"You have to try to win, I know your plan is to sacrifice everything to make sure Prim wins. But you also have to try. Okay?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed," I will try and stay alive, but I want Prim to win. If I won, I wouldn't be able to shake the feeling that I took Prim away from you and your mom." I finished and looked at her, trying to read her emotions.

"I guess that's good enough." She replied. "I'm going to miss you so much."She added.

"I will miss you too." I said back. That's when a peacekeeper came and told her times up. I gave her one more hug then said bye. I thought they were going to come in and take me away, too, but I realized I had two more visitors. Gale came in with another girl.

I recognize the girl as Madge Undersee, the mayor's daughter.

"I'm going to miss you, so I really hope you win." Gale said while hugging me. "I'm not going to try to win," I told him. "I want Prim to win. If she didn't, I would feel like I was taking her away from her family. And there's no family for me to be taken away from." I told him.

"Ok, figured you would say that, but I'm really going to miss you." He gave me one more hug and then left.

"Hey Madge, I don't mean to be rude, but I definitely didn't expect you here." I told her. She walked over to me and pulled something out of her pocket. It was a bronze mockingjay pin holding an arrow in its beak.

"I didn't expect to be here, but you're allowed one item from your district, and I was wondering if you would take this pin." She said to him. "I would love to take your pin, but why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"I've always liked you, Percy Jackson. You were always nice to me, and something about the pin just made me think I should give it to you." She told me. After she finished, two peacekeepers came in, one took Madge away, and the other escorted me to the train station.

I tried to keep a strong face and not show any weakness because I knew that based on the number of cameras everywhere that they were recording  this all. And the other tributes were going to be looking over this for weaknesses in people.

I looked ahead and saw prim being escorted into the train, and she was trying to look strong, but the tears streaming down her face gave away her true emotions.

I walked up the steps onto the train and turned around just before the doors closed and made eye contact with the camera.

The train started moving, and I truly realized what had happened. I was on the train that was taking me to my death.

Time skip to right before dinner on the train

Prims pov

I was so sad, I was going to be throwing into a game to fight to the death. I would have been even safer if it wasn't for Percy. He sacrificed everything for me. And I knew that I needed to thank him. I heard a knock on my door and Effies capital accent, saying it was time for dinner.

I walked out to the dining cart in the train and saw effie and Percy sitting at the table. I walked over and sat in the empty seat next to Percy.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Percy. You didn't have to volunteer, but you did. After all the stuff you've done for me, you really didn't have to do that." I thanked Percy, and he smiled at me.

"Of course I had to volunteer, I wanted to make sure that you could make it out of here." He said.

"You don't have to do that. You deserve to win, Percy." I told him

"But I want to. If I made it out and you didn't, I would never forgive myself. If I went home to katniss and not you, it would be very sad. I want you to win, not me." He told me with a smile. "Ok," was all I said.

As I was about to ask effie what was for dinner, a bunch of people came out with any and every food you could think of. And with that out came a very drunk Haymitch. I stumbled into a chair across from Percy and next to Effie. I helped myself to a bunch of food I did know the name of.

I felt effie staring at me and Percy," Well, you guys are better than last year's kids. They both shoveled food down their throats as fast as they could with their bare hands." Effie said.

"Well, what's wrong with eating with your hands?!" Percy asked very defensively. And then he threw his fork and spoon behind him and started acting all his food with his hands as fast as he could. Effie just grumbled in annoyance.

"You know, this year might not be that bad. You guys might be the first year that could actually make an impression." Haymitch mumbled. I could tell Percy was getting very annoyed with him. "I mean, all the other years are all ways so boring, but you guys, I can work with." Haymitch added. I was hoping he would stop because Percy was about to snap.

He was about to say more when Percy grabbed his steak knife and stabbed it into the table right next to his hand. Haymitch screamed. And I thought we were done for, Percy just ruined the little chance we had of actually doing good.

"That is mahogany!"

"Why are you like this, we didn't do anything, yet you are so annoying to us. You aren't even going to try to help us at all." Percy said.

"You want to know what my problem is? It you guys, every year I train and train the kids, and then they go off and die on the first day. So I stopped trying. They never made it past the first day." Haymitch screamed at Percy.

"Well, you might be surprised with me and Prim." Percy told Haymitch.

"Fine, I won't get drunk, and I will help you if you promise to do everything I say and not question It." Haymitch said.

"Deal." After that, Haymitch dismissed himself to bed, and me, Percy and Effie talked about the games for a while before going to bed.


There, the 3rd chapter is done. I really hope you like this chapter. Please consider voting.


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