Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry for not posting this yesterday. I had it all written but I forgot to post it.

And tysm for over 100 reads and to all the people that voted and the person who commented. It means a lot.

Disclaimer, I don't own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!

On to the story!

Percy's pov

"Let the 74th hunger games begin."

I jumped off my pedestal and sprinted towards the Cornucopia. I spotted a rue running into the forest safely. Prim on the other hand was on her way to the Cornucopia like we planned but the district 6 boy was in front of her holding a knife and it looked like she was about to be stabbed. I stop running and picked up a throwing knife from the ground next to me.

I aimed it and threw it. It hit the tribute in the back and he fell to the ground. The first cannon shot was heard. And Prim looked at me and nodded. She started running towards me and I waited for her to get to me. I saw that most of the tributes were either already in the forest or fighting the careers.

I confidently walked towards the Cornucopia where I saw Marvel and glimmer waiting for Cato and Clove to finish fighting. Prim followed me there almost hiding behind me because she didn't like the careers. Along the way I spotted a very familiar sword.

I picked it up and realized my dad must have purposely put it in here for me. The sword was Riptide, my sword I have had since I was 12. I loved this sword. It was perfectly balanced and normally it would turn into a pen and always return to my pocket but I think dad took away the powers temporarily so it would pass as a normal boring sword.

I continued walking when a district 8 girl tried to cut me with her knife. I pushed Prim backwards so she wouldn't get hurt and then I blocked her and tried to turn away and let her live but she aimed for my neck and I wasn't going to let her kill me just because I didn't want to kill her. So I blocked her again and knocked her knife out of her hand right into mine and stabbed her through the heart.

I made it to the Cornucopia and walked over to the careers who were talking. I noticed the absence of the district 4 tributes and the district 3 girl, that confused me because normally all the careers make it through the bloodbath at the start. I shrugged it off as Clove walked over to me and Prim who was still hiding behind me. As she got closer I saw the boy from 3 look at me with sad eyes. He thought she was going to kill me. I internally laughed as I realized he wasn't there when I made an alliance with the other careers.

As Clove got to me she said," hey Perc I found these knives and thought you would like them. And Prim you use a bow right because there is one over there I think you will like." I took the knives from her. They look cool and I strapped them around my legs. Prim walked over and picked up the bow and put the sheath of arrows around her back.

I looked over at the boy from 3 who was looking very confused. I explained how we made an alliance and he nodded.

Katniss' pov ( I know, boring)

We were all watching the games started in the town square on the big TV. I watched as Percy saved Prim and them walking up to the Cornucopia, I was so mad Percy was going to get them killed on the first day. Then I watched as one of the girls walked up to him holding two knives and I was even more mad when he didn't move away. I could tell most of the crowd was surprised too especially gale.

Then I saw the girl give him the knives then tell Prim where a bow was. I look at the careers most of them look completely indifferent towards what just happened but one boy looked just as shocked as we were. Percy then explained to him how he made an alliance with the careers.

Of course he did, what other district 12 person would make an alliance with the careers.

Percy's pov

It was the first night of the hunger games and Cato decided we were going to play his favorite game, tribute hunting. Me, prim and Clove we're walking in the back talking quietly. I saw a cloud of smoke rise up in the distance and prayed that no one else would see it.

"It doesn't look like there is anything this way, let's change directions." I said trying to get them to not go that way. " Yeah Cato it doesn't look like anything is th- wait what's that." Marvel said. Shit they saw the smoke.

"Finally some action." Cato said, starting to run to see who was at the fire. Me and glimmer started to run to catch up with him. I needed to make sure it wasn't rue. I was pretty sure it wasn't her because she wasn't dumb, she wouldn't start a fire on the first night when every career would be looking around the forest trying to find more people to pick off.

I quickly caught up with Cato and matched his sprinting. I looked back noticing most people were not here. Glimmer was running trying and failing to catch up and I noticed Prim and Clove farther back.

"You guys go ahead, we will meet up with you later." Clove yelled. I saw Marvel holding his sword and walking a little behind them. I didn't mind Clove being alone with Prim because they seemed to be getting along nicely and I trust Clove. I trust Clove.  I'm starting to trust someone I'm supposed to kill later on.

This is bad, really bad. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts of Clove away. I needed to stay focused. Anyways I was worried about Marvel being there but I hoped he wasn't planning anything.

I looked ahead and saw the boy and girl from district 5 sitting around a fire. We ran into the small clearing they were in and Cato made quick work of the girl. The boy look terrified and turned to run away. I was closest to him and Cato yelled at me to kill him. I ran forward and grabbed the boy he looked up at me with pleading eyes but I know that if I don't kill him now I will have to later.

Cato yelled again and I knew that to keep up the act of being his aly I had to kill him. I stabbed my knife into his heart giving him the grace of a quick death. And set him on the ground. I heard a cannon shot and turned away from the body now on the ground.

We started walking back to the rest of the group and I zoned out for the rest of the night.

I hope you like the chapter and sorry it was late.

Word count: 1226

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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