Chapter 6

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Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy Chapter 6. If you do, please comment and tell me.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

On to the story!

Percy's pov

Today was the last day to train before our private time with the game makers so they could give us our score.

I was with Prim and Rue talking about what to do when we first got into the arena. We had made a plan where Prim and I would pretend to join the careers and destroy them from the inside out. Rue would spend the first part of the games by herself because if she was with us, it would be too weird and suspicious.

I knew this would work out because Cato came up to me multiple times trying to get me to join the careers. I really didn't like Cato, Glimmer, or Marvel, but I didn't mind Clove because she reminded me of Katniss. I was going to have a tough time betraying her.

Prim and I walked over to the careers after saying bye to Rue. As I got closer to them, I saw Clove wave at me, and I waved back.

" I will be your ally in the games if you guys promise not to hurt Prim and let her join the careers too." I said firmly.
Cato looked like he didn't want to agree.

"Fine." Was all he said before walking away. The rest of the careers followed after him, and we walked away to train a little more.

I was forced to practice with them now so i could try to start gaining their trust.

Clove and I were throwing knives together. She was giving me tips since I got along pretty well with her so far.

Glimmer, on the other hand, was basically hanging on my arm the whole time.

I kept having to push her away from me after she hugged me or kissed my cheek.

I wasn't interested in her. She didn't care about any of this, just getting my attention.


After dinner that night, I decided to go up to the rooftop. There was a glass railing and a couple of chairs along with a sort of garden thing. I stood on the edge, leaning on the railing.

I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Clove. She was staring at me.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing," she replied. " I like coming up here. It's so peaceful." She took a spot next to me on the railing.

"I shouldn't stay up here for long, I need to get some sleep," Clove said.

"Same here. Good luck tomorrow on the testing. I hope you score well," i told her sincerely.

"You too," then she turned and walked back to the elevator. I followed a little after.

I hope I can get some good sleep tonight, I'll need it for tomorrow.


Me and Prim were sitting outside the training room waiting to be called In. I heard my name be called over the speakers, so I walked up to the door and in the training center. I walked up to the game makers and told them my name. I knew they would lose interest quickly, so I decided to show off as much as i could right away.

I walked over to the sword area and grabbed the first sword I saw and sliced every dummy there was with perfect form. I then grabbed a bow and walked all the way over to the other side of the room, and knocked the arrow and shot. It flew through the air and straight threw the dummy right on the bullseye and threw the dummy behind that one on the bullseye and then you guessed it threw the last dummy on the bullseye and into the wall behind it.

When I looked back up, only a few of them were paying attention. So what to do in a situation like this.

A pug was just wheeled out which seemed to be more interesting then me, so I shot an arrow at the apple in its mouth.

I walked over to where the throwing knives were and picked up 5 of them. I threw all of them and hit the bullseye on each one. Then I picked up 5 more knives and threw those into the bullseye on each target, splitting the knives that were on the targets in half. (A/n Idk if that's possible, but just go with it.)

I looked up at the game makers and saw them all with their mouths hanging open and staring in shock. I walked up to them.

"Take a picture. It will last longer," I told the game makers. I started to walk away towards the door when I turned back around.

"Oh, and thanks for your consideration." I said with a mock bow. Then I turned around and walked back to the elevator. And then I went up to our floor for the rest of the night.

When Prim was done Haymitch questioned us about how we did, he was a little amused and mad about my rudeness to the game makers but was impressed non the less with my show off.

We just finished a quick dinner, and we're sitting on the couch waiting for the scores to be announced. The TV turned on, and we all looked at it. They started going through the scores. Clove got a ten, Cato a 10, Glimmer a 8 Marvel a 9. I was wondering what we had gotten as I was thinking I ruined my chance by being rude at the end. I was very surprised to see Rues named pop up on the screen with a 7. And then it was Prim's turn.

I waited until 8 flashed on the screen in big letters with Prim's name next to it. Everyone started screaming with joy at how good Prim did. I was sure I was going to get a 0 when they said.

"Last but not least, Percy Jackson from district twelve with a..." Caesar paused for dramatic effect, and I could almost feel everyone learning forward in their seats. I leaned closer, and my palms were sweating.

"12." I was so happy I jumped up and hugged Prim. Everyone else got up, and we all celebrated.

Katniss' pov (A/n, I bet you weren't expecting that).

I was crowded around the big TV with the rest of district 12 to watch the scores be given out. I was really hoping that Prim and Percy did well, but I wouldn't know for a few more minutes. Me and Gale were quietly talking when the TV turned on. Everyone got so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

I knew everyone was sad because Percy, Sally, and Prim were the most loved people in the whole district, and they were all taken away in just a little while. Caesar Flickerman, the person who does the interviews and tells us the scores started going through those scores. I noticed some of the careers got really high scores this year, and I was worried about Percy and Prim. Caesar went through everyone until he got to District 12.

Prim's name showed up, and everyone got quiet again. Then, the number 8 showed up, and everyone started cheering happily. But the crowd got quiet again when Percy's picture showed up.

"And last but not least, Percy Jackson from district twelve with a..." Everyone subconsciously leaned forward, and my heart started beating very fast.

"12" we looked at the screen in shock for a bit before all cheering happily.


Sorry, it's such a short chapter, and I'm sorry for not updating in a couple of days. I forgot to post that yesterday.

Word count: 1280

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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