Chapter 5

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Hey guys, Sorry for not updating yesterday I was very busy. But I hope you like this chapter. If you do like t u e chapter please comment and tell me.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

On to the story!

Percy's pov

I got up from bed and looked around the room confused as to where I was. Then I remembered The events of the last few days. I looked around again and noticed clothes neatly folded on the dresser, I figured they were for me to wear. My suspicion was confirmed when I picked them up, they looked my size and were meant for training and moving around fast.

I showered and put the clothes on. The shirt was a black t-shirt with silver and red sleeves. The pants were like lightweight sweatpants. I looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed the t-shirt really showed off my abs and biceps.

I walked out to the dining table and noticed everyone including the stylists there already. Prim was in the same outfit as me. I sat down in the chair next to Prim and served myself breakfast. At this point Effie started explaining how the days will go.

"Ok now that you are both here I will explain how the next few days will go. You are going to spend the whole day in the training center starting in one hour at 9:30. You will be eating lunch down there with the rest of the tributes. That will be the best time to make friends and possibly alliances. You will get back here in time for dinner and then have the rest of the time to yourself lights out at 10:00." Effie explained in her capital accent. She and the stylists left to talk about costumes for the interviews. That left me, Haymitch and Prim to talk about training.

"I want to know if you guys have any weapons or things you're good at?" Haymitch asked

"Percy is so good at everything, he can always use any weapon especially sword, when we sneak out Into the woods he isn't afraid at all. And he can track animals amazingly and set traps to catch animals. Not to mention how precise he is with the bow, he hits the animals in the eye every time and he is teaching me how to shoot a bow." Prim blurted out.

"Well Prim is amazing with a bow and she is great with plants, she knows every plant so well she could tell you five facts about any plant you want her too. She is also great at climbing trees and camouflage." I said

"Ok, that's a lot of information." He paused for a minute to think. "I want Percy to keep training Prim with the bow but don't spend to much time on that. Prim I want you to train more with survival skills like tying knots and starting fires and Percy I want you to show off. Try to learn any am c every weapon you can and show the careers how good you are." He finished. We both nodded and headed over to the elevator to go to training.

We walked into the training room and over to where most of the other tributes were standing. Their trainers told us the rules like not hurting each other and told us not to only focus on the weapons. Then they sent us off. I saw the careers go over to one part of the huge room and start throwing knives and spears.

After the introduction talk, walked over to the archery area and I saw the carers staring. I decided to do exactly what Haymitch told me to do, show off. I picked up a nice bow a pulled back the string to get used to how it felt. After a minute a notched an arrow and took aim. Prim looked at me with a smile realizing what I was doing. I pull back the string and shot. The arrow flew and hit the bullseye on the dummy. I looked over at the careers and saw them all gaping at me.


I stepped out of the glass room where you fight holographic people. I was holding a sword and then I saw every tribute staring at me with shock after seeing how good I was with a sword. I pushed past them and spotted Prim standing with another tribute. I walked over and the rest of the tributes went back to training. I recognize the little girl with Prim. She was rue, another 12 year old girl from district 11.

"Rue right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well I was wondering if you would want to be my and Prim's ally." I added. She nodded again and I told her to practice whatever skills she wanted for the rest of the day.

Prim and her went off to practice together.


Me and Prim just got back to our floor and we're heading to dinner. When we got there everyone else was just sitting down.

"How was it?" Effie asked after we sat down and got our food. "I think it was good, I did just what you said Haymitch. I showed off and Prim worked on a lot of different things. We also made an ally. Rue the 12 year old girl from district 11." I told them.

"Great, you made friends with another 12 year old." Haymitch Said sarcastically. "I don't care if she's 12, I want to be her ally." I told him defensively.

"Fine." Haymitch responded. The rest of dinner we made small talk about what we did in training. Then I dismissed myself to bed.

I know this was a short chapter but I don't really have much time to write this week, but I tried to make a good chapter. 😅

Sorry if there were any grammar issues or typos, I'm so tired, so I didn't read all of it.

Well, I will try to update tomorrow. But it's  now almost 11:30 pm and I need my beauty sleep. And I have to get up at 6:25 am.

Word count: 1,049

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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