Chapter 4

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Chapter 4! I'm so thankful for all the people reading my story, and I just wanted to say thank you. I have never published a story on wattpad before, so I was nervous to publish this book. But I'm so glad I did, because people are being so supportive.

And a big thanks to my bestie because she was the one who told me to write this story.

As always, if you like the story, please comment and tell me, I would love to hear your thoughts. And if you have constructive criticism, you can tell me that, too. I don't always edit every part, so I'm sorry if there are typos.

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer, I do NOT own Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games. Those belong to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins!⚠️⚠️

On to the story!

Percy's pov

I got up and was in a strange place, then I remembered what had happened and all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed but I knew we had a long day ahead and I needed to get up.

I was pulling my shirt on when there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, not looking up to see who it was. I heard footsteps, and then someone hugged me. My back was to the door, so I didn't know who it was. I turned around in the person's grasp and saw it was Prim. I hugged her back and tried to calm her down.

After a while, she stopped crying, and I decided to talk," How about you go get cleaned up and then come out to breakfast with me." She nodded and walked out the door and into her room. I waited outside her door until she came out looking less sad. She was in a light pink shirt and black jeans shorts.

"Do you want to go get breakfast now?" I asked her. She nodded and started heading down to the dining cart on the train. We got there and sat down, Effie and Haymitch were already there and just started eating. I served myself food, and Effie started talking about how we would get there around 2:30 and what would happen after that.

I wasn't paying attention to most of what she said. Instead, I decided to look around the dining car. The space was mostly occupied by a big table covered in food I didn't know the name of. The only thing I could figure out the name of was "hot chocolate." it was a creamy chocolatey hot drink, and it was amazing. I studied the room more and noticed a bar cart behind Haymitch. It was stocked with many different bottles. On the wall to the left of me, there were two plush armchairs with a table in the middle.

On the table was a plant. It wasn't a scraggly plant like I was used to seeing. It was tall and had spikes on it, I recognized it as a cactus. I haven't ever seen any of these in the district. The only reason I recognize it was from a picture in a book my mom had of plants in North America. That is what the world used to be called. I looked at it closer and thought, "Why would someone put time and energy into taking care of a plant that's only job was to sit there?" It didn't make sense because it wasn't like the plants in the garden back home. It didn't produce food. It just sat there. It really made me wonder what it was like in the capital. Did they have other things like this, with the sole purpose of decoration? (A/n I think I've gone crazy, I just wrote a whole paragraph about a cactus.😂)

I focused back on what Haymitch and Effie were saying just in time to hear Haymitch ask if we wanted to be trained together or separate.

"I think we can be trained together." I replied. Prim nodded to what I said.

I told Prim about the hot chocolate, and she tried it and loved it. At some point, I heard Haymitch whisper to Effie," we might actually be able to work with them." But I didn't really pay much attention to it. We finished breakfast and dismissed ourselves to our rooms for the rest of the trip.

Time skip to when they get to the capital

I was in the living room area on the train with Haymitch, Effie, and Prim. We were supposed to get there any minute. All of a sudden, everything went black, and I realized we were in the tunnel leading into the capital city. I jumped up, and i made it to the window just as we got through the tunnel. I looked out and the city was huge, tall buildings with beautiful architecture everywhere.

I turned around and looked at Prim," we might as well make a good impression on the capital citizens, right?" I said. She nodded and got up to wave to the people at the train station we just got to.

The doors opened, and Effie and Haymitch led us towards the building in front of us. Me and Prim smiled and waved to everyone who was cheering and clapping.

We got into the building, and 3 people dressed in the most outrageous outfits and makeup took me away to a dark room. Effie explained earlier that right when we got there, we would be brought to the building we were in to be put in our outfits for the opening ceremony.

For the next hour, the 3 people washed and scrubbed my body, saying I needed to be ready for Portia, who they said would be my stylist. At first, i was very, very uncomfortable with being naked in front of 4 different people, but by now, I didn't even care.

The people finally left, and this Portia person came in. I was very surprised to see she was not like every other capital person. Instead, she was dressed in normal clothes with the only makeup she wore, being a gold eyeliner, black lipstick, and gold mascara. I was even more surprised to hear what her and Prim's stylist had planned for us.

"Before you ask me and cinna asked for district 12 because we wanted to have you guys. And we have looked over past years outfits and were disappointed to see everyone focusing on coal. Instead, we want to focus more on what coal does. It burns, " She said in a surprisingly normal voice.

"We have come up with a way to lit you and Primrose on fire, but it won't be hot, and you won't feel a thing." She said.

"Ok, that's better than being naked and covered in coal dust, but I'm more of a water guy. Is there a way to make the fire blue?" I asked. She just smiled and got to work.

Time skip to right before they go out

Percy's pov

I was standing next to Prim on the chariot. Ours had pitch black horses attached to it. The best part was that they were fully trained, so all we had to do was tell them to go, and then they would do everything else themselves.

I was dressed in an all black bodysuit made of leather with a crown on my head. The crown had blue sapphires on it. And Prim was in a bodysuit like mine with a tiara on her head that had rubies on it.

We were about to go out, and cinna and Portia assured us for the millionth time that the fire wouldn't hurt us. They reached up and lit our crowns and bodysuits. I braced myself for the pain, but it never came. And then we were off. I heard cinna yell," Smile and hold hands."

Brightness exploded around me as we got out of the building. I heard the crowd scream even louder, which I didn't know was possible. As our horses moved down the street, I saw us on the huge tvs around the place. They almost never left our image. The crowd started throwing roses at us, and Prim caught one and blew a kiss in the direction the rose came from.

As we moved down, I heard the crowd start to chant our names. I reached for Prim's hand, and she grabbed mine, we interlocked our fingers and held our hand up. The screaming and chanting got even louder. I saw that the tvs never left our picture, and I knew that this was going to put a target on our backs, but it would also get us possible sponsors.

The horses pulled to a stop as we got in front of the training building, and the cameras showed videos of every district but seemed to linger on our picture a little longer than the others. President Snow said his speech and we were led into the training building.

The training building was cool because each district had their own floor. We were district 12, so we had the penthouse, and it was really nice, but I was too tired to stay up any longer, so I went into my bedroom, got a shower, and went to bed.

There, I hope you like the chapter, I probably won't be able to post as much the next two weeks because I have summer school. But I will try to write more.


Word count: 1,588

Xoxo. ChocolateLover

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