chapter 8

265 19 1

Nabiha pov

I just woke up I went to the bathroom to perform ablution after I prayed I immediately went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

I went to the kitchen and got to work I was frying the pancakes when zulaihat came in.

I saw her but ignored her.

'baki iya gaisuwa bane' she ask.

I turn and look at her then say 'ina kwanan gimbiyaI said pretending to bow.

'lafiya' she answered.

'If you are done come to dad's parlor ' she added before turning to leave.

What know I thought,the last time he called me was two weeks ago when  zulaihat asked me where I was going. 

But what is this one a about. I finish frying the pancakes and arrange the table.

I went to my room and put on my hijab before going to the parlor.

'salam' I said before going inside. I was starting to get nervous because everybody was there my mom, ya naima and zulaihat and my dad.

I found a place on the carpet and sit down.

"Good morning dad, mom, ya naima' I said.

" Good morning' they reply in unison.

' nabiha I am gonna get straight to the point' my dad said. " You are getting married next week' he added.

My heart skip a beat I didn't know when tears started coming out of my eyes do they hate me this much to get me married to a man I don't know and I don't love. I don't have a say in my own life, but what bothered me most was who is the man I am marrying.

" I know you are wondering who is the man, well is my good friend alhaji bakasiso, he is a good man he will take care of you' my dad said.

He is getting me married to that old man his first grandchild is my age. I didn't know when I started crying hard.

' Dan Allah kima shuru an zaba Miki Wanda zai kula dake, kukan Mai kikeyi' ya naima said.

" Don't waste your energy on her' my mom said' stand up and go and start preparing for the wedding' she added.

I stand up and went out of the parlor and went to my room I close the door and sit on the ground crying my heart out.

I didn't know when I took my phone and dial Aaban's number.

" Hi my love' he said.

I couldn't speak I was just crying hard.

"What's wrong biha ' he asks his voice sounds like he has is really worried.

I don't know when I started talking but I told him everything.

" They want to get me married to my grandpa Aaban' I said sobbing.

He was quite for a while before he said " talk to them they might change there mind .

' they won't Aaban They will never change they minds if my dad makes a decision is final ' I said still sobbing.

" What are you gonna  do biha ' he asks.

I was quite for a while before I said" I am leaving Aaban They don't care anywhere.

" Okay biha ' he said.

" You are not going to try to stop me ' I ask.

" I won't biha even if I try I know you won't stop but I am going to help you I will book a flight for you to go to New York ' he said.

" I don't know how to thank you Aaban you have done so much for me and I will be grateful for ever' I said .

" You don't need to be, we are friends after all we are suppose to help each other, get ready in the next two days you are leaving' he said.

'thank you so much Aaban, thank you' I said before hanging up.

I was happy I am finally going to leave this hell, but I have never been out of the country I have been out of Abuja much more Nigeria.

But I am sure I can survive.

I then remember rabi'a our friend that ran away from home with her boyfriend. I said I will never do that, but my case is different I am leaving because my family wants to get me married to my grandpa.

I stand up and went to my closet  I pack my clothes, there were not much. So I finish packing them in less than five minutes.

I then remember how will I get out of the house without being notice.

I pick my phone to call Aaban but I saw his text message so I open it.

It reads " get ready by tomorrow night I will pick you up in the night cause the flight is in the morning.

I was so happy how could I ever repay Aaban I thought before I replied with a thank you.

I was hungry but didn't want to go out.

But I remember I will be leaving in two days I don't want to starve myself to dead I will go and eat and spend sometime with my so called family.

I enter the bathroom and wash my face before I went down to have breakfast.

I saw all of them in the dinning room eating , I went and take my sit and serve my self then I started eating.

" Na aza bara kizo bane ai' ya naima said.

' ai gara tazo taci ita Danan da sati Daya bara ta Kara cin abinci gidan Nan ba zamu huta da ganin tah' zulaihat said.

I look at her and laugh before saying ' c'mon zulaihat ain't you ashame of saying i am getting married while you're here you don't even have a suitor' I said.

" Dad ' she said turning to look at him.

" Get out of here Amina ' he said to me .

I stand up and went to my room, I am already use to that she can't even defend her self .

My head ache because of the crying I did so I went to bed. 

I fell asleep with the thought of me leaving this hell .


Hi guys

Nabiha is going to new York

Su nabiha manya

Love you 🥰❤️

Ilham 💜

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