chapter 11

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Nabiha pov

The plane has already took off. They was this guy that came and sat close to me.

He seems to be grumpy and arrogant he didn't even care to say hi.

But as the talkative I am I decided to talk to him.

" Hi I am nabiha' I said stretching my hand.

He looked at me then my hand before turning and continue looking at the window.

Maybe nabiha is to long for him to call I thought.

" Okay my friends call me biha but my real name is Amina that's what my parents call so if you cannot call nabiha you can call me biha even though we are not friends' I said smiling.

He turn and was completely looking at me know, it was know that I actually got to see his face.

He is handsome, actually the most handsome man I have ever seen he looks like he is not a Nigeria, I didn't realize I was looking at him to much until he said.

' why are you looking at me like that' he said his voice sounds so nice even though he was shouting.

' ohh I am sorry I just got caught up in my thoughts' I said grinning like I am crazy.

He gave me a disgusting look before he turn and continue watching the window.

I stretch my head trying to see what he was looking at the window.

When I saw the clouds I then realized I was in a plane this thing could crash any minute I can die any minute.

I started to panic.

Then suddenly the plane made a sound like it has hit something.

I scream and catch hold of something.

I didn't know when I started praying, then the plane was normal again.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, I turn to see what I was catching.

My eyes widen like a sausage, actually it wasn't what it was who.

I was holding the handsome man next to me.

He was looking at me but his eyes filled with anger.

I think this guy has temper problems.

Before I could speak he beat me to it

" Let go of me ' he said in a commanding tone.

I immediately release his hands.

" Sorry ' I muttered.

He glare at me before turning again, I think he is not much of a talkative I said, but I decide to talk to him again.

" You know this is actually my first flight' I said .

He didn't even look at me.

"Arrogant' I said.

I didn't realize I said it out loud until he turn and look at me.

" First of all nabeela or whatever is your name I am not obligated to speak to you" he snapped at me.

'hey my name is nabiha not nabeela but as I said you can call me biha since we are already bff's' I said smiling.

" What 'he shouted.

"Don't get on my bad side" he said angrily.

Is this your good side then you definitely don't have a good side I thought.

I won't talk to him again I was just trying to be nice then he is suddenly angry, what type of a human is he.

I was just trying to be nice.

"Fahad" I heard somebody shout.

I turn my head and look at a woman probably my age coming towards me.

I was about to say I am not Fahad then I remember Fahad is a guys name I am not the only one sitting here so is him, his name is Fahad what a nice name I thought.

" Neelah' he said looking at her as if she is a virus he doesn't want to catch.

'it really you Fahad it has been long since I last saw you ' she said smiling.

"And you In a plane that ..... Before she could continue he cut her off.

" And what are you doing here he said.

If this is  his first flight then why doesn't he wants me to know I thought.

"I am going to new York to visit a friend she said.

She then look at me and gave me a disgusted look before looking back at him, I may not be dress in a modern clothes like her but that doesn't give her the right to look down at me.

" And what is this thing" she said pointing at me.

Know I was angry is she blind or something I am a human being .

I was about to speak before Fahad beat me to it.

" Why do you care and she is a human being so have some respect' he said almost shouting.

Did he just defended me I ask nobody.

" I am sorry Fahad' she said.

She glare at me before walking away.

" Thank you for defending me' I said.

He look at me then say.

" And who said I was defending you' he snapped.

'sorry I muttered.

If he wasn't defending me then what was he doing I thought.

He is strange .

That was the last thing I remember saying before falling asleep.

Fahad pov

Neelah is nobody she isn't my friend I never took her as one I know she likes me but I act like I don't.

We meet in Britain when I went to have my vacation there.

She is the cousin sister of my friend Kabir he is very nice while neelah' is the opposite of him.

I didn't know why I did that I didn't know why I defended her from neelah'.

I didn't wanted her to think I care about her that's why I said I wasn't defending her but I was.

What got into me I have never cared about defending anybody all I care about is my self.

I turn and saw she was sleeping.

The pilot announce that we have landed in new York.

I turn and saw she was staring at me I thought I saw her sleeping when did she wake up I ask nobody in exactly.

She stand up and stretch her arms before removing her bag and going out of the plane.

Why didn't she speak to me is she angry.

Well I don't care I stand up and went out of the plane too.


Hi guys

They have landed in new York

What do you think will happen.

Do you like neelah'?

Actually I used my classmate name she is nice though unlike this neelah.

Love you 🥰❤️

Ilham 💜

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