chapter 15

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Nabeheard pov

"Usman' I yelled before rushing to were he was standing.

' biha is really you' he said.

I can't believe my eyes this guy is my childhood friend we attended the same school before him and his family left for kaduna.

" I can't believe my eyes usi' I said.

" Believe them cause is really me" he said.

" How are you biha' he said.

' well as always' I said.

' do your family still treats you the way they did' he asks concerned.

" How is aunt Rashida' I asked trying to change the topic.

" She is fine how about jawaihir' he replied.

" Ohh please don't talk about that girl can you believe she ran away from home with her boyfriend isn't she pathetic' I replied.

He looked at me before he started laughing.

" Didn't you ran away from home too' he asks.

I then remembered the reason I am here I fucking ran away from home.

' well yes but I didn't ran away with a boyfriend' I replied.

" You are really beautiful biha' he said looking at me.

' do you still remember our dream when we were young' he asks.

Then everything flashs back.

When we were young our dream was to become kidnappers we were a group of 3 so me and him were the kidnappers and jawaihir was the one we use to kidnap.

We use to play at his house cause our houses weren't far from each other's.

His dad was a very rich man so there house use to be very big enough for us to play whatever we want.

But why did he ask me if I remember our dream when we were young.

Don't tell me he is expecting me to fulfill that dream.

Is he crazy

That just a stupid childhood dream.

Just because he is now a kidnapper doesn't mean I should join him.

" Biha do you remember" he asks.

I didn't know when I Burst out laughing.

He was looking at me like what am I laughing about.

I stopped laughing and said.

" You still haven't forgotten That stupid dream" I said still laughing a little.

He then suddenly looks hurt.

Is this guy for real is he expecting me to say I will join him and be a kidnapper.

" Is not stupid biha' he said.

" Ok is not stupid, why did you ask me about it anyway " I asked.

" I want us to fulfill that dream' he said.

I didn't know when I Burst out laughing again.

" Are you serious' I said.

" Do I look like I am not' he replied.

I look at me and he looks very very serious infact he is dead serious.

" Ok' I said.

" So will you join me ' he said.

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