chapter 34

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Nabiha pov

I just woke up, I performed my prayers and went downstairs, to prepare breakfast.

I already know my old chores so I don't need them to remind me.

I prepared breakfast and set the table, I went to my father's room and told him breakfast is ready before I headed to my mom's room and also told her breakfast is ready.

I went and inform my two sisters.

I went back and stand by the dinning table waiting for them to come.

They all arrived and sat on took there places on the table.

I served the food to all of them before having my sit and eating my breakfast.

After they were done I immediately packed the plate and went to wash them.

I washed the plates and cleaned the house, after I was done I collapse on one of couches in the living room, I was so exhausted.

"What are you doing" zulaihat asked.

I pretended like I didn't hear her .

"Am talking to you" she shouted.

"Can't you see what I'm doing or are you blind" I shouted back at her.

"How dare you shout at me" she said.

I just ignored her, one thing I learned from staying with Fahad is how to ignore people.

"Isn't she talking to you' my dad said.

Ahhh nabiha' you are in trouble I thought to myself.

"She is dad" I replied.

"Well why aren't you responding to her" he asked.

I was quiet coz u did not know how to answer that.

"You are really disobedient aren't you" my Mom shouted.

"Stop wasting your breath on her mom ' ya naima said.

"Don't worry my dear vary soon she is leaving this house, I have already talked to alhaji bakasiso he said the wedding will be hold this week Saturday' my father said.

Today is Wednesday,so the wedding will be in two day.

"Better ' zulaihat said.

"And he has send the money for the wedding preparations' my father added.

"Nice, now please transfer the money to me my dear so that we can go to the market today' my mom said.

"I have already transferred 100 thousand to you, I think that will be enough we shouldn't spend much of our money on this brat' my father said

" You are right ' my mom said.

"Naima go and get ready we are going to the market know ' my mom said.

Seems like they are really in a hurry to throw me out of this house, well I am also In a hurry to leave this hell.

They all left the living room, so I also went to my room, I picked up my phone and dialed Khadija's number.

"Hey biha what's up ' Khadija said.

"Hey Khadija are you home, I want to go and visit you ' I said.

"Am the one suppose to visit you" she said.

"Nah is okay I will just come myself' I said.

"No I will come ' she said.

Before I could say anything she hanged up.

Well I guess I should just wait for her to come, I don't think my parents will allow me to go out anywhere.

I started playing games so that I won't get bored until Khadija arrived.

Then they was a knock on my door, I opened it and saw it was Khadija.

"You are already here ' I said surprised.

"I was at the gate of your house when you called me " she said smiling.

I smiled back at her and opened the door for her to come in.

After she went in I closed the door and sat next to her.

"How have you been biha' Khadija asked.

"I'm good 'i replied

"Tell me the truth biha' u know you can't lie to me' she said.

"For real I am okay 'i said.

"How are the rest of the group members ' I asked talking about my friends.

"They are okay" she said.

"Some of them are even planning about they wedding' she said.

"That's nice' I said.

I think I should tell Khadija about my marriage too

"Am also getting married " I said.

She Then started laughing.

"Why are you laughing Khadija' I asked.

"You are really good at throwing jokes" she said

"Am not joking I said.

She then looked at me like seriously.

"Who are you marrying' she asked.

Huh hey comes the one question I don't know how to answer.

'my dad is planning to get me married to alhaji bakasiso ' I said.

"What " she said.

"Why' she asked

" Because of money I guess ' I answered.

"You can't marry that old man ' she said.

"What choice do I have Khadija ' I said.

"I have decided to accept my faith and Marry him " I Added.

"You must be out of your mind, how can you marry someone the same age as your grandfather ' she said.

"You don't understand Khadija ' I said.

'i don't think I need to understand anything ' she said.

"I don't have a choice am Marrying him on Saturday this week ' I said.

"WHAT " she shouted.

"No you can't marry that old man ' she said.

"Maybe you should run away again ' she suggested.

"That's not a good idea Khadija am sure family are keeping they eyes on Me and where will I even go " I said.

"I don't know how but you have to leave this house coz I won't allow you to Marry that man' she shouted

"And who are you to decide who she is to marry' my Mom shouted while banging into my room.

"Good morning aunt 'khadija said.

"I don't need your greetings' my Mom responded

"Just get out of this house and I don't ever want to see you near my daughter again, you are a bad influence to her' my mom shouted .


I was about to speak but Khadija stopped me.  

"Is okay" she whispered to me before picking up her bag and leaving.

After Khadija left my mom also left.

Huh I don't know what to do anymore, I thought.



Hey guys


Ilham 💜

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