Twenty seven: Perfect Presents

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    After an amazing meal of steak, rolls, and mashed potatoes (my favorite meal growing up), we all sat on the floor in a circle and I opened my gifts. Macy made me a card and got me a new dress and shoes, not too fancy or revealing, but beautiful. The band signed a record of their's for me and Jonathan got me a new cook book. Once it came to Benny's gift I figured he'd get something small and well thought out, kind of like how he moved in chess, and I was not disappointed. I read the card he'd written, lighthearted and teasing, then opened a rectangle box to see the necklace I found in the jewelry shop and audibly gasped.

"You bought it?" I asked excitedly, running my fingers over the diamonds like they would break if someone breathed on them wrong.

"Yep. You like it?"

"I love it, thank you!" I gave him a hug and continued to stare at the necklace. I place the box up on the bed so it wouldn't get lost in wrapping paper, grinning. I continued to open the gifts and thank everyone. The rest of the gifts were just as thoughtful and sweet, a few with the intent of humor, and I loved every single one of them.

Once I was finished I went around giving everyone hugs and more thank you's, then we cleaned up and cut the cake. It was chocolate with vanilla frosting, my favorite of course, with a blue and purple flower design on top along with candles and the words "happy birthday Adelaide!" In frosting calligraphy. I had no idea how they all pulled this together and set it up so quickly but it was amazing.

While we were all chatting and stuffing our faces with cake, Macy suddenly stood up, almost dropping her cake on the floor.

"I forgot one of the gifts!" She yelled, running out of the room. We all glanced at each other with confused looks, and she came running back in with something rectangular shaped and wrapped in purple paper. "Open it!" She exclaimed, handing it to me. I quickly peeled back the fragile parchment and underneath was a mahogany picture frame with gold designs on the corners, gorgeously preserving a photograph of me and my mother on my third birthday.

After not having seen her face for so long, it was a shock to my system and I felt a little winded. Once I recovered, my eyes started to well and a choked little laugh/sob escaped my throat, breaking the silence. I was smiling, but crying. So happy, but so achingly sad at the same time. It was the perfect gift, and I had no idea how to let Macy know that. I looked up at her with my glossy eyes and then back to the picture, placing a hand to my mouth.

"Oh Mace, it's-" I started. She scooted closer to me and hugged me tightly. I set the picture in my lap and hugged her back tight enough to break a rib. "It's perfect, thank you." I said softly, laughing a little as it's did. Suddenly I felt twenty more arms wrap around me, everyone joining in. We all laughed and I wiped my eyes, thanking Macy again and putting the picture on my bed with the necklace.

"Well, I think that was a pretty successful party, what about you guys?" Macy said smugly, leaning her back against the bed and grabbing her plate of cake. We all agreed and I stood up, excusing myself for a minute.

I put on my coat and walked down to the lobby and out the door. I pulled out a cigarette and held my hand up to block the wind so I could light it. I stared out at the street as I took a drag, the red tip of the cigarette blurring with the quickly darkening sky. I closed my eyes and let my mind settle a little. The day had been filled with such absolute joy I hadn't had much time for the sorrow, which I was grateful for. Usually my birthday's were spent with my mother and Macy and that was it. I had met up with a group of friends a few times in my adult years, but 99% of the time, I spent the while day with my mother.

Every single year, my mother would let me do one new thing. Kind of like getting to drink when you turn 21* or getting to drive when you turn 16, but something new every single year. On my 6th birthday she took the training wheels off my bike, on my 10th I watched my first horror movie, on my 14th she let me say my first real swear word, and so on.

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