Chapter 3

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March,  1989

It had been five months since Catherine and Kevin had met. And in those five months, they had actually become quite close. At first they didn't talk, but little by little, they began to grow closer and strike up conversation. They would spend their drama club meetings chatting, which sometimes made Mrs. Hills angry. Catherine soon developed a crush on Kevin. She was having a hard time getting used to her new home, new school, new classmates.... But with him everything was easy. Whenever she had a bad day, it was enough to see Kevin, who always greeted her with a smile, to make all the bad things go away. Definitely, he was the perfect guy: nice, attentive, incredibly handsome... But he also had all the girls at school in love with him. Many of them were beautiful, very smart and very friendly, which made Catherine feel that she was nothing compared to them. Because of this, she kept her feelings for Kevin hidden.

But Greta, who knew her sister better than she knew herself, soon realized that her little sister was totally in love with her classmate. For a moment she thought of playing matchmaker between these two, but decided to do it in a somewhat "subtle" way.

When they were in class, Greta turned to Kevin and commented:

" sister talks about you a lot at home, you know? She always says you're one of the nicest guys she's ever met."

When Greta would say this, Kevin couldn't help but smile and blush a little. And then, that same afternoon, Greta would go to Catherine's room and tell her:

"I was talking to Kevin in class today, guess about what: about you. He must really like you, judging by the nice things he says about you." Then Catherine would blush until her face was the same color as her hair. 


It was a Friday afternoon, and Catherine was in the locker room of the high school gym. After taking off her gymnastics leotard and showering, she was changing into clean clothes. Catherine had been practicing artistic gymnastics since she was five years old, and it was one of her great passions along with acting. She liked the feeling of spinning quickly in the air, plus gymnastics helped her stay agile and strong.

She wore a short, blue dress with a floral print, brown boots, and pulled her reddish curls into a semi-updo. She wouldn't have paid so much attention to her appearance if it weren't for the fact that Kevin was going to pick her up after the training was over. The truth was that they were going to do nothing but study: Catherine wasn't very good at Chemistry, which was Kevin's strong point, while he struggled a bit with history, and she found it the easiest subject of all. Because of this, they had been meeting on Thursday and Friday afternoons for almost two months to help each other study. And even though Catherine didn't consider these meetings to be "dates," she still liked to look nice to meet him. 

When she came out of the gym, she saw Kevin waiting for her at the entrance. She smiled at the sight of him, and he reciprocated with another smile.

"Hey, how was the training?" he asked her.

"Fine, thanks. How are you?" asked Catherine as they both started walking side by side.

"Pretty good" he replied.

"Quite a bit better than before, now that I see you," he thought. Even if Catherine ignored it, the truth was that Kevin had fallen in love with her too. He thought she was pretty from the first moment he saw her in the auditorium, but after talking to her, he discovered that she was also a nice girl. And as a result of their study meetings, he had discovered that underneath all that mystery, quietness and shyness, there was a funny, sarcastic, dreamy and passionate girl. She had told him about her dream of being an actress, and he had told her that he fantasized about being a musician. Although he had a huge crush on her, he was afraid to confess his feelings and that she might not feel the same way, so he decided to cover them up. 

A while later, they were both in Catherine's room, sitting on the floor with several history books and notebooks scattered here and there. They were alone in the house: James and Emily were still working, and Greta had gone out with some friends. The first time Kevin walked into her room, Catherine was shaking her nerves. But this was already the third or fourth time, so she was a little more relaxed.

"Okay, so the French Revolution began on May 5, 1789 when..." Kevin began to say

"Well, actually, the war as such began on July 14 with the storming of the Bastille, don't forget." Catherine interjected.

Kevin threw his head back and snorted "This is impossible, it's been a while and I haven't been able to memorize anything."

Catherine approached him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Come on, don't despair. You'll see how you learn it." she encouraged him "Come on, if I could pass that organic chemistry test, you're gonna pass this one."

He smiled and said softly "Well, maybe that's because you're a better student than me..."

She smiled too, and whispered "Or because you're a better teacher..."

Then the room was completely silent. They both looked each other directly in the eye. Kevin, afraid to ruin the moment, slowly approached her, as if asking for permission. Seeing that she did not stray, he placed his hands on her cheeks, softly but determined. Her pupils dilated as he gently joined his lips with hers. 

It wasn't the first time she was kissed, but that time was totally different from any other. It was like electric currents running through her body, shaking her. A few seconds later, Kevin separated his lips from hets. He kissed the corner of her lips before separating from her. She felt her cheeks burning and smiled. He also smiled.

Somehow they managed to refocus on History. In the end, Kevin was able to memorize everything. The afternoon flew by and it was time for Kevin to leave. They both went out to the porch of the house. They were standing one in front of the other. This time it was Catherine who took the initiative and wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck, trapping his lips between hers. She felt the electric currents again. Kevin wrapped her waist with his strong arms, intensifying the kiss.

This intense and magical moment was interrupted when they heard slow applause behind them. They interrupted the kiss and turned to find out who it was.

"Thank God! It took you five months!" exclaimed Greta in a humorous tone. She climbed the porch stairs and put her hands on each of their shoulders "Anyway, I'm glad for you, lovebirds"

 she chuckled as she watched them blush. Then she came inside the house.

Kevin kissed her on the cheek before coming down from the porch. As he walked away, he stopped for a second and turned around.

"I almost forgot!" he exclaimed, returning to the porch and holding Catherine's hands between his, "Catherine, will you be my girlfriend?"

She felt her heart pound out of her chest of pure happiness "Of course, I would like nothing more."

Their lips joined once more before he left. Catherine re-entered the house as she was floating on a cloud. That night, she felt asleep with a smile on her face, thinking about her wonderful boyfriend. 


Hi everyone! I really hope you're enjoying this tory as much as I'm enjoying writting it! Listen, it would be very helpful if you commented your thoughts about the story! Thank you! Bye!

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