Chapter five: proof

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Rose's POV:

I groaned when I opened my eyes and noticed that Billie was still holding me in a tight grip with her leg around my waist and her arm around my chest. Tears were coming into my eyes when I remembered what happened. I felt so disgusted... There was one person in my home town, I had a crush on for ages and I always wanted to give my virginity to her...

I did like girls. I also liked boys. It depended on the human being and not on the gender for me to fall in love, which was why I was disgusted with Billie... She hurt me and stole my freedom and yet I was forced to give her something so special about me, which I wanted to give to someone else.

She was rich and famous so why did she even felt the need to force someone? There probably were so many people out there, who would love to be with her. The fact that she was one of my idols didn't make me blinde to the fact that she treated me so poorly. I always judged people based on their personality, not by their success, which meant that I could never love Billie.

I knew Billie said that we would take a shower together but I couldn't bare it. I felt so dirty that I just had to shower right now and I didn't want to shower with her anyway. I slowly took her wrist and moved her arm away from my chest while I slowly slipped my body away from her leg. She groaned and turned around but she was still asleep. I carefully walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me before I sighed very relieved.

I quickly used the toilet and I noticed that blood was coming out of me and I wasn't on my period... When I was done I instanly turned the shower on and used coconut soap to wash me. Coconut was my favorite smell and Billie probably knew that... But how? I didn't even want to know why to be honest. I noticed that my shower took longer than usual because no matter how much soap I used, I still felt dirty... But after a while I gave up and put a towel around me after I got out.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror and I shrieked. My face was very pale and I also noticed bruises around my body. I looked as miserable as I felt. I couldn't even look at myself without starting to cry. I was ashamed. I desperetly ran my fingers through my hair and sobbed in shame before I noticed that the door was opened. I could slap myself for forgetting to lock it.

"How long do you plan to stay in there?", Billie asked very annoyed and I shrieked. "Billie...", I said in pure fear while she walked towards me, pushing me against the sink. "I thought we would shower together.", she said before she licked my ear while I shivered. "I'm sorry... I really had to shower and I didn't want to wake you...", I stuttered out and a sinister grin was all over her face before she turned me around so I was facing the mirror again.

"You need to earn my forgiveness because you kinda left me hanging when you showered without me.", she whispered into my ear, making me gulp before she removed the towel from me and cupped my breasts. "Billie no... Please...", I sobbed out. "I can't stop myself flower and I know you love it. You were very loud yesterday...", she said and sat down on the floor rubbing her hands over my butt.

"No...", I cried out. "Just admit to yourself that you like what I do to you. Just look at the mirror while I take you. Look at the faces you make then you will finally see that you love me.", she said before her tongue invaded my butthole. I shrieked by the slimy feeling and I closed my eyes to stop myself from seeing all the shame.

She skillfully flipped her tongue around and I roughly bit my lip, so I wouldn't make any noise but she could still hear me groaning. It seemed to bother her that I tried to be quiet so her licks got faster and more rough. I couldn't hold myself back anymore. "Ahhhh Billie...", I moaned out and she suddenly slapped my butt, making me scream in pain. I forgot that she wanted me to call her differently...

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