Chapter seventeen: peace

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Rose's POV:

"You see her very clearly while others can't, is that correct?", my counselor asked me and I nodded. "Yes. Everytime I see her she seems as real as everything else around me.", I replied and she wrote something down on her papers. "I think we had enough sessions for me to know what's wrong. You might have a post traumatic disorder. Sometimes a traumatic experience can cause your brain to see and hear things, you didn't process yet.", she explained and I looked down.

I felt stupid for having hope that Madison might be still alive. "Can you help me to process her death so I won't have these visions anymore?", I asked and she gave me a warm smile. "Of course. That's what I'm here for. You're not alone with this. Processing the death of a loved one can cause  mental issues for a lot of people. I'm sure we can fix this with frequent counseling.", she assured me and I nodded before I stood up.

"Thank you for your help.", I said before I left. The sessions I had with her made me feel so much better but I was still paranoid of Billie. There was no way she would stay away forever. Roger and Simon knew that as well and we were in the process of getting a restraining order against her but the problem was that by doing that, she would find out about our location since she had to know it in order to stay away.

We knew a restraining order wouldn't stop her no matter the consequences so it would be a risk and we decided to just keep quiet. Her knowing our location would only cause more problems. I finally arrived at the hostel we were staying at and I saw Roger smoking a cigarette while his eyes were filled with tears. "What's wrong?", I asked very worried.

"Quinn. It's not a good day for her.", he replied and I sighed. Quinn's condition didn't get any better no matter what we did. She also refused to go through any kind of counseling. She just sat on the bed the entire day and stared against the wall. Her eyes were always completely empty. No matter what, she never showed any kind of emotion.

I didn't know for how long she lived in Ariana's hell but it seemed like it she was way too traumatized to ever live a normal life again. Simon suddenly stormed into the room and Roger looked at him very expecting. "And?", Roger asked while Simon tried to catch his breath. "I brought some groceries and Finneas called me. He said they try to make Billie go through therapy but no matter what, she never listens and all counselers they had, quit after one session. Her condition must be very bad.", Simon explained and I looked down.

"You can't change someone, who doesn't want to change.", I said and Roger nodded. "That's right, that's why we should've killed her along with Ariana.", he said very bitter. "I know. We and Rose especially will always live in fear as long as she is alive.", Simon said but I shook my head. "Quinn already is depressed enough. Losing her child will only make her condition worse.", I said and the room was filled with uncomfortable silence.

"I never asked you how you managed to get to Ariana.", I suddenly asked to end this unbareable silence. "Well, the police found me uncouncious after Ariana shot my leg and killed Mary and Illian. She was too busy with getting Quinn and she probably thought I would die by all the blood I lost. But the police found me after someone called them because they heard gun shots. I ended up laying in a coma for years and when I woke up, I wanted to tell the police everything Ariana did but they said that Ariana already served a life sentence in prison. After they showed me a picture of her, I knew instanly that this wasn't Ariana. They called me crazy since the girl had Ariana's DNA but I knew something was wrong. I started to look more into it and one day I ended up meeting Simon.", he explained and looked at Simon to tell him to continue.

"We got along very well and soon we started to talk about our worries. I told him about you and Billie and he thought that Quinn's story with Ariana sounded very similiar. He looked her up and he could tell how much Billie resembled Ariana. We tried to find out everything we could about Billie's family and when we finally saw a picture of her parents, Roger recognized Ariana instanly. He told me in how much danger you are in and we wanted to get you and Quinn out of there, so we tried to get in contact with Finneas because he seemed alright to me. Finneas was hesitant at first but he wanted Quinn to be free and Billie to get help, so he helped us. He gave us all the information we needed and Ariana didn't expect anything. She got way too comfortable after so many years in peace. Finneas gave us access to her house and we overpowered her with ease since she was completely unprepared. As soon as we had her tied up, I texted Billie from Ariana's phone to come to her house to show her the awards she won and you know the rest.", he explained.

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