Chapter twenty: glass cage

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two months later~

Rose's POV:

I felt like a doll which was trapped in a glass cage. Everyone could see me in these fancy dresses and holding hands with a famous singer but they never saw the pain I had to endure. Playing Billie's precious girlfriend, who was so happy that she was back in her arms was pure mental torture. The public loved us and constanly wanted to know more about our relationship and Billie proudly presented me like a trophy.

I didn't know for how long I could act like that but I knew that if I stopped, Billie would lock me in our house and never let me out again just like Ariana did with Quinn. I still had the privilige of being able to go out with her and do something that didn't include sexual stuff. "So you're almost done.", Holly said while she helped me to get ready for the Jimmy Fallon show. Billie actually hired Holly for designing her clothes and as my stylist.

Holly was always good with fashion and make up but it still bothered me because she was such a delusional Billie stan, that she couldn't even aknowledge how abusive Billie was even when it was right in front of her. She just told me how lucky I was and how amazing Billie was. Not to mention that she didn't hesitate to scold me whenever I showed any kind of distaste for Billie. This just made everything worse.

I basically felt like a snowflake. I was the one being called crazy for not wanting Billie. I was the bad guy for not being grateful for what Billie did for me. It was absurd. "Okay. You're ready.", Holly said very proud and when I looked at the mirror I was once again reminded that my annoying cousin was actually talented. "Thank you Holly. You did an amazing job as always.", I said and she smiled brightly.

"Remember to smile and be grateful for dating the amazing Billie Eilish.", she said and I looked down. But before I could reply, the door to my dressing room opened and Billie walked in with her sparkly baggy clothes. "Is my lovely flower ready?", she asked and her eyes shined brighly when she saw me. "Ohh you look so beautiful flower.", she said and walked towards me to kiss my cheek.

"Holly, you're amazing.", Billie said and Holly blushed. "Thank you! You have no idea how much your compliments mean to me.", Holly replied very excited. "Well, it means a lot to me that you take care of Rose so well. The last two months were the best time our relationship ever had.", Billie replied and took my hand. Yes they were the best because I basically acted however she wanted me to, giving up my freedom, will and dignity.

"Please get to your places Miss O'Connel and Miss Owlson.", an employee told us and Billie instanly lead me to the stage, where Jimmy was already waiting for us. We sat down on the couch and waited for the show to start. "Alright we're live in 3, 2, 1...", one camera man said and when he stopped counting, Jimmy instanly started smiling. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jimmy Fallon and I'm here with pop sensation Billie Eilish and her girlfriend Rose Owlson. How are you two doing?", Jimmy asked and I just let Billie speak.

"We're great Jimmy. The last two months were pure bliss. We're just very happy together.", Billie said and I just smiled. "Yeah, I heard you moved in together but Rose, how are you doing? You've been through a lot of traumatic things.", he asked and I tried my best to find the right words. "Well yes but Billie found me and we were able to work it out together.", I just replied. "It must be scary that such a close friend did such horrible things to you.", Jimmy said but then Billie replied for me.

"You know Jimmy, the police caught him and after that we were only focusing on our relationship. Especially now that he got a life sentence in prison, we just try to look forward.", Billie said and he nodded. "You must've been very relieved to hear that Rose. But I heard that you actually never had to show up to a trial. Are you glad or do you regret that you could never tell your side of the story?", he asked me and I sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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