Chapter nineteen: caught

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Rose's POV:

"Here.", Melanie said with a smile while she gave me a red rose. "Do you just assume that I like roses because of my name?", I said chuckling while I took it. "No, I gave you one because roses are a symbol for love.", she said and I felt an unfamiliar warth in my stomach when she said that. Melanie was such a sweet person, I couldn't imagine how terrible it must've been for someone like her to be influenced by people like Ariana and Billie.

"Mel, I'm sorry, if I can't show you the love you deserve...", I said very guilty since she constanly gave me way more affection than I gave her. "Rose, you don't have to apologize. You grew up with abusive parents and then Billie turned your life even more into a living hell. I understand that you need time to discover actual love and affection.", she said very understanding while we continued to walk down the street.

First I didn't want to go outside since I was afraid that someone would recognize me but after Melanie disguised me and assured me that no one would recognize me especially when it was dark, I agreed to go to town with her. We visited some stores, sat down in a café and it honestly was the most joy I ever had ever since Madison kissed me.

I was glad Melanie convinced me especially because she was right. No one did recognize me. They didn't even bother to look at me. "I wish it could always be like that.", I suddenly said and Melanie smiled. "Like what?", she asked and I sighed. "Like this. Just doing normal things like walking through the town without having to worry about someone ending this happiness.", I said and Melanie pulled me into her arms.

"It will be like that because I will never give up on you. No matter what Billie does, I will always find my way back to you.", she said while looking deeply into my eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt Mel.", I said very worried. "But I will get hurt when you are so unhappy with Billie and you not being by my side.", she said and before I could reply, she captured my lips in a passionete kiss.

I instanly melt when she started to explore my mouth with her warm tongue. Everytime she kissed me, I could feel a firework explode in my body. I could see myself being happy with her in the future. Hopefully this future could happen. "I love you Rose. I always did ever since I saw you.", she said after she pulled away and I hugged her very tight. "I think I love you too but I need more time.", I replied and she nodded.

"I understand. It's getting very late. I will bring you back to your hostel.", she said and I nodded while we walked back together. Even though she was understanding about my feelings, I could still tell that she was disappointed. She was a hopeless romantic after all.

As soon as we reached the hostel, I told Melanie to go home. "Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?", Melanie asked and I nodded. Simon still didn't really trust Melanie and I didn't want these two to get in an argument. I was too tired for that. "Thank you for this amazing evening. You have no idea how much joy I felt.", I told her and she kissed my cheek.

"I can actually, because I felt as much joy.", she said and winked before she walked back to her car. I waved to her while she drove away before I walked into the hostel. Love. I forgot how it felt but Melanie would make me remember. I couldn't stop thinking about her until I opened the door to my room. My heart stopped beating for a second and my entire body was shivering while Billie grinned towards me.

"Hello flower, I almost thought you wouldn't come.", she said and I was about to scream but she quickly covered my mouth and I noticed that her hand was stained in blood. "Shhh don't make any noise, or else I will kill Simon as well." she whispered into my ear and licked it. I didn't understand what she meant but then my eyes met the couch and I saw Roger's body laying there with the words 'you are scum' carved into his chest.

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