Chapter eighteen: hunt

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Rose's POV:

I couldn't stop crying after Quinn jumped. Tears were falling out of my eyes like a river. Her entire life was so tragic, she deserved some happiness but sadly real life wasn't a fairytale. real life could be brutal and unfair. But what scared me the most was that this could be me in some years, if Billie gets me. "Oh sweety, I hate to see you like this...", Melanie said while my head laid in her lap.

She gently caressed my head while I cried into her lap. I was glad that I managed to get in contact with her. She was very shocked about what happened but she was glad that I got away from Billie. "She deserved so much better... I really wanted to help her. I thought I could fix her.", I sobbed and she gently put my face in her hands, to lift it up so I could face her.

"Rose, you can't fix anyone but yourself. I know you currently go through a lot but you have to focus. Billie is still after you.", Melanie said and I sighed. "She already caused so much destruction, why can't she just leave me alone...", I asked and she pulled me into a tight hug. "I've been close to her for years. Ariana's influence is so deep within her, even if she wanted to she couldn't leave you. She is trained to keep her lover with her at all cost.", Melanie assured me and I looked down.

"I need a distraction.", I said and Melanie grabbed the remote to turn the tv on. I snuggled to her side, while she held me in a tight embrace and we calmly watched the news, until my name was suddenly dropped. "The entire world is concerned about the disapperance of a seventeen year old girl, Rose Owlson. In a heartbreaking Instagram story, pop star Billie Eilish, expressed her concern about her girlfriend being kidnapped by a seventeen year old boy along with a man, who seemed to be in his fifties.", the woman said and I flinched.

Melanie looked at me very concerned while I got out of her embrace to sit up. "Hey guys, I'm sorry that I haven't been active lately but I was very devastated. My beloved girlfriend Rose Owlson, disappeared after the Grammys were over. The last time I saw her, was when she was with her childhood friend Simon, who wanted to introduce her to his uncle. I dropped her off at his house and drove back home but I didn't hear anything from her ever since. I got so worried that I showed up at Simon's house, to see if she was still there but it was completely empty. All three of them were gone without any kind of trace. I always knew that Simon had a crush on her, she never recepricated and maybe he got mad after we announced that we were together at the Grammys. I'm sure he kidnapped her with the help of his uncle because he couldn't stand seeing her with someone else. Of course I can't prove that he took her away but he always seemed very obsessed with her, but I never even imagined that he could go that far. This is a plead to everyone out there, who sees this story, please try to find her. I love her so much and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. All I want for her is to come back safely and to be free from the monster, who used to be her best friend. #findrose.", Billie said with tears in her eyes on her Instagram story.

I felt so nauseous seeing this. The fact that she lied so well as if it was nothing was absolutely disgusting but  even worse was the fact that the entire world was searching for me now. "Rose! Your face is all over the internet along with that stupid hashtag.", Melanie said while she checked her phone. "Is she for real?! How can she tell such nasty lies to the public?!", I yelled very upset.

"She learned from her mother very well.", Melanie replied and I ran my hands through my hair. "What am I supposed to do now? I not only have to hide from Billie, I also have to hide from the police and basically every other human being of the entire world!", I said in panic. "Okay Rose, I know this is upsetting but you have to stay calm, you have to disguise yourself.", Melanie said.

"That's not going to work in the long run!", I replied. "I know but we have to do it until we can find a better solution. We will start with a wig and contacts. I can also get you a fake ID, to make it even more believable.", Melanie explained and Rose nodded. "But we have to disguise Simon too. There are pictures of him as well. People also search for him since he is the primary suspect.", I said and Melanie nodded before she called her assistant.

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