Chapter fourteen: sick family tradition

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Rose's POV:

I was just staring at the alter completely shocked while Charlotte and Elizabeth said their vows to each other. Not a lot of people were here but most of them just accepted what was going on just like that. No one seemed to have the same uncomfortable feeling about this scenario like I had.

Melanie even started to cry in happiness. "I wish I will be as happy with my future lover as they are.", she sobbed out and I raised my eyebrow. "Do you really think that Elizabeth looks happy?", I asked her and she looked at me as if I lost my mind. "Of course she is. She got taught a long time ago to appreciate Charlotte's feelings. I mean you appreciate Billie as well. It's the same thing.", she explained and I sighed.

Billie was the center of my life and I felt joy when she was satisfide with me but was I really happy? I was interrupted from my thoughts by Billie putting her arm around my waist, sqeezing me tightly towards her. "When will you introduce me to your other mother?", I whispered into her ear and she kissed my forehead.

"Very soon. I can't wait for you to meet her. You can learn a lot of things from her.", Billie told me and I looked down. Melanie already compared me to Elizabeth. Maybe she could explain what I felt but at the same time, I was nervous. The priest finally announced that they could kiss and the way Charlotte was devouring Elizabeth's lips wasn't normal.

It seemed like she was trying to eat her while Elizabeth was completely stiff and she seemed to be very uncomfortable. Usually the kiss should be over after a few seconds but Charlotte didn't stop. The entire audience just silently watched and it felt like we were invading their privacy.

After nearly ten minutes, Charlotte finally pulled away and we all started clapping. "I now declare you as wife and wife.", was the last thing the priest said and I could tell how uncomfortable he was. He didn't even stay much longer. While we were lining up to congratulate the pair, he quickly took all his things and left the garden as if he was chased by a murderer.

Billie took my hand and lead me towards her parents. Finneas and Claudia were there earlier and I could see how lovingly Elizabeth hugged Finneas. It was the first time I saw her smile and this was supposed to be her wedding day. Shouldn't she smile the entire time? No. She only smiled when she saw Finneas.

I thought Billie would receive the same reaction but it was the polar oppesite. Elizabeth just stared at her in horror while Billie happily hugged Charlotte. Now that I saw Elizabeth up close, she actually  reminded me of a ghost. Not only because she was as pale as her white dress, also because she didn't seem to have any kind of emotion inside of her.

Her body just seemed like an empty hole. When Billie reached out to hug her, it seemed like it was hard for her to bare it. Billie was her child as well. Why was she so terrified of her? As soon as Billie faced me again, I tried my best to smile. "Mommy, this is Rose Owlson, the girl I constanly talked to you about. I'm so happy that I can finally introduce her to you.", Billie said and I gulped.

"It's nice to meet you Elizabeth.", I forced myself to say and she flinched when I said her name. She seemed surprised about the fact that I called her that but that was the only reaction I got from her. She just silently stared at me and I started to get very uncomfortable. Charlotte noticed that and I could see that she pinched Elizabeth's side to make her react.

As if she just pressed a button, Elizabeth suddenly pulled me in a lifeless hug. Her body was so cold and stiff this actually was the most uncomfortable hug, I ever had. "It's nice to finally meet you.", she said and her voice made me shiver. It sounded so rehearsed and empty.

"I think it's time for some cake!", Charlotte happily announced to get away from this awkward situation. Elizabeth just quietly followed her, leaving me alone with Billie. "Shouldn't the bride be a lot happier on her wedding day?", I asked but she just shook her shoulders. "I think she is bored that they repeat their wedding day over and over. I also think it's a little too much. I think you should only get married once in your life with your perfect partner. Doing it as much as my parents, makes it less special but my mother and I have different views on that.", Billie explained before she dragged me inside the dining room.

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