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Ara: This is getting out of hand

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Ara: This is getting out of hand. 

Jaemin: What are those things?

Ara: Stuff you don't need to see.

Jaemin: Is this what you were fighting at the graveyard?

She glanced at him and her uneasy glance gave him his answer.

Jaemin: So you're telling me they are coming to harm me and you are trying to protect me? How does that work? As far as i know you are here to take my life at the right time.

Ara: Oh my god...

She said through clenched teeth.

Jaemin: Are you really not giving me answers-

Ara: Oh my god Na Jaemin. Do you ever fucking shut up? 

Jaemin: Not until you give me some explanation.

Ara: God...

Jaehyun: Yes?

Ara: Not you dumbass-

Jaemin: What?

Ara: I wasn't talking to you- okay... fine... anyway, those things are coming for you to get me killed. If i am not the one taking your soul and safely delivering it to hell or heaven then I am sentenced to death by god.

Jaehyun: Strike one! You'll get in trouble for telling him so much.

Ara: Get out of my head!

Jaehyun: Just keeping you in check.

Ara: Ugh...

She whispered.

Jaemin: Wait... so... what?

Ara: Those demon like things are doing it to get rid of DEATHs so that they can devour souls whenever they want.

Jaehyun: Strike two! Be careful of what you say next. One more slip up and i call on council.

Jaemin: So, you're protecting me for two days so you don't die?

Ara: More like perish since i am already dead but yes.

Jaemin: So you were human once?

Jaehyun: Ara...

His voice rang with warning lacing her human name.

Ara: I can't say no more...

Jaehyun: Wise choice.

She rolled her eyes while turning away and peeked out the window, finding it clear as day.

Jaemin: That's all I am getting?

Ara: I'm sorry Jaemin. But i can't tell you everything.

She looked up.

Ara: Since I am on strikes!

Jaemin looked up too then at her, to find her glaring at the ceiling.

Jaemin: Who are you talking to?

Ara: No one. 

She waved her hand and he felt something land around him, but of course he couldn't see it.

Jaemin: Why am I in this again?

Ara: I need to go meet someone. I will be back in no time. But if something comes at you, just call out my name and i will be back here. Okay?

He gulped but nodded anyway. He blinked once and when he opened his eyes again, she was gone. And suddenly he felt unsafe.


Ara: What the fuck?

Jaehyun: Hm?

Ara: Its way more than i thought. I have only ever needed to fight one which you would handle after i conveniently get wounded.

Jaehyun: Until your on the brink of passing, i can not step in and kill a death bell, you know that very well.

Ara: Fine but why are there so many?

The male put his wine glass down and looked her right in the eye.

Jaehyun: You've never had to take a soul to heaven or hell before. Its your first time taking one to their respective afterlife. 

Her face grew into a sour expression.

Jaehyun: Punched by the harsh truth, Ara?

Ara: That's not my name.

Jaehyun: Fine. DEATH 1277786. Better?

Ara: ... I'll stick to Ara.

He stood up from his chair walking to his shelf filled with records.

Jaehyun: Sending your love to hell would be tough.

The words made every cell in her body freeze.

Ara: He doesn't deserve hell.

Jaehyun: You saw his records. Ninth life... he grows to be a scumbag-

He paused making Ara look over, to notice his weary and worried expression, while looking into a file.

Ara: What happened?

Jaehyun: Nothing.

He snapped and shut the file close before placing it back on the shell, though Ara shrugged it off.

Ara: He is weirdly nice though... Unlike the file.

Jaehyun: You would expect them to change when you tell them they have only limited time to live. Ara... you have to be the one sending him. I know you're thinking of ways to dodge it.

Ara: Why can't I-

Jaehyun: I get it that you were lovers in your and his first life. You unfortunately were killed by a death bell before a DEATH could get to you, so you, yourself became DEATH 1277786. On you're first day of work i told you your first client is Jaemin in his second life, and you got ecstatic. And i also clearly told you, you cannot fall in love with an assigned soul.

Ara: But-

Jaehyun: But you went against my words and fell in love with him. I suggested the Council of gods to assign him to an older DEATH but they decided to torture you as a punishment. And oh boy Ara... despite the fates making him a worse person each life, you still fall in love with him... again... and again... breaking the same rule again and again... like a fool.

Jaemin: Ara!

Ara's backstory 😭

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Ara's backstory 😭

But i love her so




ARA >>>>>>

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