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Jeno was having lunch with his newly wedded wife when his phone suddenly rang

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Jeno was having lunch with his newly wedded wife when his phone suddenly rang. He glanced at it and saw that it was Jaemin. 

He picked it up with a smile.

Jeno: Have I-

???: Excuse me... is this Lee Jeno speaking?

Jeno: Um yes? Who's this?

???: Hello Mr. Lee. I'm calling regarding Mr. Na Jaemin. And this is a nurse from the hospital he works at. He was shot today and doesn't have any family listed except you. His doctor would like to speak-

She lost him the second she said that Jaemin was shot.

Jeno: I-I'll... I-'ll be right there.

Eunbi: What's wrong Jen?

Jeno stumbled out of his chair, eyes still wide in shock. 

Jeno: Jaem-Jaemin was shot.

Eunbi quickly got up and took the keys. 

Eunbi: I'll drive, you're too stunned. 

He just nodded, and suddenly remembered the letter. He quickly went to his room and grabbed the letter.

Eunbi: Honey?

Jeno: Coming.

They rushed out and once they were in the car, he opened the letter and started reading it. 

Hey bro.

If you're reading this means you got a call from the hospital about me. 

I know you're still annoyed at me for what i did months ago. But i had my reasons and i finally want to tell you.

This will be hard to believe but...

Months ago i was supposed to die but i didn't. Thinking i would actually die, i decided to break any contact with you, so you wouldn't know. But then it didn't happen. 

Though its going to happen soon. And now when it's confirmed that I'm leaving this world, i think it will be easier to accept it this time because we mended what i broke. I know its sudden and I'm bound to die anyway. But it was way sooner than i expected.

I'm sorry that this happened a day after your big day. Sorry for stealing the light from you. But I hope you do well for the rest of your life. You've your own family now. And just like our bet, I won, you did marry first. You owe me a grand. 

Your bestie,


Doctor: I'm sorry to inform you... he's no more.

Jeno's tears were falling way faster now as he saw his best friend lie dead on the bed with a white cloth covering him. Eunbi was watching her husband from the side, knowing better than to interfere. Jaemin was her friend too. And this was just too heart-breaking to even digest.


Days passed and when Jeno went to get the body to hold a funeral, he stopped short. He asked for the doctor who met up with him soon.

Jeno: he was shot?

Doctor: Yeah. A depressed soldier set off. Its not even the first time he got shot. Jaemin was shot once before.

Jeno: He was?!

Doctor: A few months back.

As the doctor went on to tell him about the date and wounds Jeno only frowned. 

He thanked the doctor and went to get the body. Before they helped him transport Jaemin's body, he got to see him once more.

Jeno: How did you know you would get shot? Jaemin... 

Tears pooled again.

Jeno: I hate you for leaving me. Man I miss you.

Especially the fact that now he couldn't even mend anything at all. Before, he could. But now... it was all gone. Jaemin was gone.

A little Jeno chapter because he be the bestest friend

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A little Jeno chapter because he be the bestest friend.

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