Chapter XVIII: Treasured Tears

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As soon as I step into the light, a brisk wind hits me in the face like a truck. There's also a sudden, heavy pressure in my ears, like I'm super high up in the sky. As the light dims out, goosebumps form on my arms when I realize where I am: On the side of a mountaintop. The mountains are coated in snow, and a light fog coats the air around me. I gasp, falling to my hands and knees as I panic to ground myself, and it's so cold that I can see my breath when I exhale. I hold my arms, the bitter cold hitting my skin. It's like it suddenly became winter.

I raise my head and notice a stairway leading up to the top of the mountain. I see a single flame burning on a torch on top of the stairs, and I lower my eyebrows. Alright. Here we go.

I stand back on my feet and take care as I take each step up the mountain. I grasp the shell on my necklace, trying to find a sense of comfort. Kai. I miss you, and I hope I'm not worrying you too much. I will get out here. Ann's probably freaking out, I hate to think of her losing her mind right now. Takakura's likely all whipped up, I really stress him out, I need to make it up to him. Cliff probably feels horrible. I need to talk to him. I think about Mom, too, but she has Lumina and Sebastian, so I'm sure they're giving her all the comfort she needs... Something I've consistently failed to do.

The steps are slippery with ice, so I'm using a lot of caution while climbing them. After what feels like a few minutes, I finally make it to the top, and my breath gets caught in my throat after what I see next. A very tall man is standing there with his back facing me, his long, jagged red and orange hair tied back into a long braid surrounded by a yellow glow. He's wearing a white and red robe, and his ears are pointed like an elf or a dwarf. His broad arms are stiff at his sides, and my eyes refuse to look away from him. He starts to pivot his body towards me, and I get a glimpse of his eyes, his intense, focused gaze piercing through me. This is him. I know it is.

The Harvest King.


I feel so sick.

It's really going to happen. That vision I had, the one about the storm... It's brewing, and I can't do anything about it! I'm helpless in this tank, with only these cute little Harvest Sprites watching over me. One of them told me Jill had gone missing.

This is all so awful. It's all that king's fault.

I hate him... I HATE HIM!

"Miss Leia?"

Paige peeks in from the corner of the room, concerned as he watches Leia get caught in her thoughts. Bewildered, Leia lets out a quiet shriek, and her cheeks go bright red.

"A-Ah! Don't sneak up on me like that, Paige!" She exclaims, her hands pressing against her chest. "You know how I go into dazes a lot!"

Paige chuckles nervously, pulling on the side of his sleeve regretfully.

"Sorry, Miss Leia. You just had a scary look on your face before, like you were possessed or something. Is everything okay?"

Leia's face relaxes into a concerned pout, her eyes narrowing sadly.

"To be honest... No, I haven't been okay." She murmurs, shaking her head. "I'm so worried about Jill. Rumor has it that she's gone missing, but I know what's happening. The King took her."

"The Harvest King?!" Paige asks, his tone frantic. Sweat forms on his forehead, and he starts shaking his head. "Oh no, oh no... What if he hurts her?!"

A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: SummerWhere stories live. Discover now