Kung Fu Panda pt. 2

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Last Time On A Dragon Warrior's Human

"How did I do?" he asks gasping for breath.

"There is now a Level Zero." Shifu says putting out the little fire with his fingers.

I make my way to him sitting on my knees as i pet his head down to his back to comfort him. "You did well for the first time, I think." I gently say getting a pained smile out of him. 

This Time On A Dragon Warrior's Human

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"So that's what it's for?" He asks looking at the string the connected him to me, "To keep you with me?" I hum shrugging my shoulders, "Thats what its been doing."

I look up at him, its kinda weird to see your childhood right in front of you. I gently slap his arm, "So try to not be brash." I say, causing him to look down at me.

He opens his mouth to say something but was cut off when we heard voices

"There's no words." Mantis?

"No denying that." Crane

"I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking. The poor guy's just going to get himself killed!" I sigh leaning against a stone.

"He is so mighty! The Dragon Warrior... fell out of the sky on a ball of fire!"

"When he walks, the very ground shakes!" Po looks down sadly as most of them laugh.

"One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu." Tigress says prompting more comments.

"Yeah, or could at least touch his toes."

"Or even see his toes."

The fat jokes are getting old you assholes, they were never funny.

Po emerges from behind rock, he attempts to look at his toes, but just sees gut. He lifts up his stomach, leans forward... leans... leans... and i stop him before he falls.

"Po, touching or seeing your toes don't matter. Don't let that talk get to you." I hold his cheeks forcing him to look down at me, "Okay?" I ask gently.

"Your eyes are a weird shape." I frown from his insult, slapping his arm, "What did I tell you?" I ask with a glare. "I mean-" I started walking to the building without listening to the rest of what he was about to say.

Po peeks around the corner as the five blow out the candles in their rooms.

"Okay." He sighs out.

He tip-toes into the hall. SQUEAK. The floorboards strain beneath him. SQUEAK.

"Great." he whispers as i walk behind him with a lifted eyebrow

He takes a gentle step. Cre-e-e-a-a—CHUNK! Po's foot goes through the floor, scaring me. Po tries to recover. SQUEAK-SQUEAK-SQUEAK! THUNK! Po rolls his ankle and stumbles through a bedroom door. I quickly rush up peaking into the room seeing him look at Crane nervously.

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now