Kung Fu Panda 3 Pt. 3

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My eyes widen seeing green figures, "Enemies of justice! Prepare for—" Po freezes seeing one of the Badger Twins – covered in jade, "Wha... Are you kidding me? Whoa!" Po crashes into the roof and falls down.

"Ow!" I mutter rolling off of him, "I thought we agreed to be more careful."

Shifu, the Five, and the enslaved masters stop fighting for a moment to look at us.

"Ow! Sorry." He groans.

The fight continues. Shortly after, Po climbs back up the roof, pulling me up, "What's the deal with the green guys?"

Viper winds around a Badger twin, and Tigress punches it. She winces, shaking her paw. "Some kind of jade zombies."

"Jade zombies?" I question crossing my arms confused.

Monkey lands in-between Po and I, "Jombies!" They yell to each other, they point to the other, "Jinx!"

Monkey gets hit on the head with one of the Badger's staffs, I watch him be yanked away.

"Be careful!" Li calls up to us

'It's okay, Dad, I do this everydaayyyy!"

"Save me Mister Li... please."

Po gets struck by Master Porcupine, who slams him into the roof. "Whoa. I recognize these guys! The master Badger Twins... with their crushing double gong technique!" The Badgers hit him simultaneously, knocking him deeper into the roof. "OW!' The Badger Twins nod at each other and run off. Po pulls on my hand as I attempt to help him climb up, "Yeah! That's the one."

We watch Shifu fight a jade master, "And that guy is..." he gasps, "No! Master Porcupine!" Porcupine shoots an arrow at Po. I shriek jumping to him knocking him down.

"But didn't you say he died?' I ask whipping around to look at the master.

"These guys are legends!" Po says setting me down as he brought a painter on the roof, "Get a quick sketch of us."

Po fights Porcupine for a moment and does a peace sign after managing to trap him in a hug. Porcupine kicks him in the face and jumps away. Po runs back to the painter.

"Did you get it? Did you get it?" It was a picture of Porcupine kicking him in the face. "Aw, I blinked. Can we... get another one?"

Porcupine pushes Po off the roof, I yell being pulled down as we fell in Po's room. Pushing up I found myself on his old bed.

"I'm being choked by Master Porcupine! This is so cool." Ridding myself of my daze I reach around for something. Po pulls a Porcupine action figure from shelf, "Oh oh, look. It's you!"

With a groan I smack the Jade master with a... pillow. His head snaps to me as I try to hide behind the pillow, "sorry.. sorry uh-"

Shifu pushes back Porcupine, "Po. Focus!"

The floor breaks below the panda dragging me along I groan landing on the counter, "oww." I mutter rubbing my tailbone.

"Sorry, Dad, I'll clean it up later." Po picks up a pan from besides me.

"Whoa, whoa, not my good pan! Take this one." Mr. Ping hands Po a ladle.

"Lotus, watch out!"

Po fights against one of the Badgers. The ladle breaks. He dodges a strike, causing a drawing of Po to be cut in half. Li gasps in fear.

"Dad, check out my Dumplings of Doom!" Po kicks a table and launches bowls of dumplings into the air. When he catches all of them with his mouth, Viper wraps herself around Po's stomach and Tigress pulls Viper's tail back to release the dumplings on the masters. Shortly after, the trio pins down Porcupine and the Badgers. "Gotcha."

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