Kung Fu Panda 3 Pt. 4

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Slipping the clothing articles on I take a deep breath looking down at the string connecting me to the dragon warrior.

"Oh it looks beautiful on you." Grandma panda says looking at me, "here let me-"

I turn my back to her, allowing her to tie the big bow.

"You could get any panda around here with this." A cute kid says pulling on the clothes.

I laugh looking down at her, the one with Tigress, "Thank you. But I think they'd rather stick with someone who isn't me." I mutter with a small amount of distaste.

"Thank you so much ma'am." I bow.

She nods as I begin walking to the door, Po leaned against the wall talking with Li as Mr. Ping interrupted every so often.

Li was the first to see me walking out, his eyes watched me drawing Po to turn around.

"Wow." He gasps him mouth agape.

I clear my throat, "i-im ready for bed." I mutter looking down.

"Right!" Po suddenly says.

"I'll show you to your room." Li says leading.

Trailing behind him I look up to Po seeing him staring at me, we both quickly look away.

"Before.." I start drawing his attention back. "Before I could say you were the best look Panda since your the only I've seen." In this world.

His eyebrows furrow a bit knowing I was about to insult him.

"So... even with everyone else here." I pause looking down at my feet, "I think you're still the best looking." I quietly whisper.

He stops walking, shortly after I stop too looking back to him.

"Really?" He breathes, "I thought you were gonna say something else."

Crossing my arms a smile forms on my face even though I attempted to stop it.

"I like your eyes." He compliments.



I look back up to him noticing him closer than before, "you... uhh.. said they were weird though." I try focusing on my breathing as it became staggered.

"A good weird. Pretty shape." He pauses. "Pretty color."

"Your's are prettier." I mutter looking into his beautiful shade of green.

His muzzle lowers itself closer to my face, "Po?" He hums staring into my eyes as if in autopilot, I gulp nervous myself, "your dad is also good looking." I quickly say trying to get rid of the mood we were creating.


My eyes widen as I put my hands up, "I- I'm sorry I don't know why I.. said that." I mutter turning away from him to follow wherever Li went.

"Wait what?!"

— — — — — — — —

Rummaging through Po's bag I pick up my tooth brush and go along with my morning routine.

A yawn makes it was out of me as I place the stick back, running my hands over my tired face. I turned back to Po who was still sleep and walked over to him, laying besides him.

I woke up early so I could get my normal thing done so I would have to make him wait on me, or most importantly stop me from doing my hair again!

His arm became a pillow to me, as I began falling back to sleep.

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now