Unusual Nights

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Laying on my side I ignored the dumb animal beside me.

“I already said i’m sorry.” He exasperates as i tightly close my eyes, ignoring him.

He found something for his trophy good for him, but ill be honest i’m proud he went with something that wasn't ‘cool’ but instead something a civilian gave him for saving them, which was just a doll.

“At least talk to me.” He says nudging my back.

He sighs leaving me alone, well for a minute that is.

Feeling his paw on my shoulder i just assumed he would pull me onto his stomach like he normally would, except-

Except he pulled me so I was laying on my back, my eyes open as i peer into the dark night seeing the Panda bear in front of me. Well more of on top of me.

“What are you doing?” i question staring at his posture over me, arms on either sides of my head to keep me from escaping anywhere else.

“Getting your attention?” He mutters into a question. “It kind of worked, so-”

“What do you want?” I ask interrupting him. He flinches from the harsh tone of my voice and starts getting nervous.

“I’m sorry.” he pauses, “about everything i said.” i look away tired of his repetitive words. “I really didn't mean it.”

“I know.” I breathed

“Your… amazing… and patient with me. And i couldn't ask for a better person to be stuck with.”

My heart fluttered as much as i hated it, it works on its own terms.

“And i’m pretty.” i mutter with a small smile growing

He chuckles, leaning down to nuzzle his fur onto my neck “The most prettiest.” his comment sent me into overdrive, as I instantly melted at his touch.

“You can keep complimenting me." I mutter flinching from the ticklish feeling.

"You’re smile is beautiful?” “Why is that in questionmark form?” I ask wiggling underneath him as i try to find a more comfortable position.

“Because beautiful is such a small word in comparison.”

I freeze at the sentence, “ALright, and who told you that quote?”

He rolls over, forcing me on top of him, “the five.” I snuggle into his chest preparing for bed while mentally thanking them, “Dad.” he pauses, “Master-” “Go to sleep Po.”

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