Kung Fu Panda pt. 3

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I blankly stare at the Panda who was looking away from me embarrassed, his legs spread wide apart on two training horses "How did this happen?" I question patting my hair down after my nap on the ground.

"Uh, just practicing." He mutters, i roll my eyes walking closer to him.

"Lets go dragon warrior." I sarcastically say grabbing his arms.

The both of us pause as the doors open, "What are you doing here?!" i quickly release him leading for him to go back into the same position he was.

"Hey! Huh... Good morning, Master! I just thought I'd warm up a little." He tries to lift one leg, but fails.

"You're stuck."

"Stuck?! Whaa? Pfft... stuck... does this look stuck to you... Yeah, I'm stuck." I shake my head at him as he looks down embarrassed.

"Help him." Shifu says to crane causing the male to move up to Po, "Oh dear." he mutters

Crane approaches, gingerly grabs Po's waistband and attempts to pull him up by flapping his wings.

"Maybe on three. One. Two-" Po tries to instruct, Crane pulls him up and Po flops onto his back. He gets up to his feet and thanks him

"Don't mention it."

"No really, I appreci—" "Ever."

Po falls silent as Crane returns to stand by the group. I look around nervous by the mood the group was producing.

"You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one's flexibility..." Shifu flings two boards into the air, and Tigress steps forwards. "and years longer to apply it in combat."

He snaps his fingers. Instantly, Tigress leaps up and executes a perfect split kick. Po holds his arm over my head as broken chunks of board land all around us, a large one knocking him on the head. He leans down and picks up the piece of splintered board hiding it behind his back.

"Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones."

"Yeah, excellent!" He chucks away the chunk.

"Let's get started." Shifu snaps his fingers. The Furious Five gather in a line in the courtyard and Viper and Po face off.

I tilt my head sitting on the ground.

"Are you ready?" Viper asks.

"I was born ready—" Viper lashes out with her tail, flings Po into the air and brings him crashing back down on his head.

"OW! Oh..." I worriedly stare at him.

"I'm sorry, brother! I thought you said you were ready!" She apologies.

"That was awesome! Let's go again." He says saluting meaning to continue.

Shifu snaps moving to the next trial Monkey twirls a bamboo staff, he lunges at Po, who was also wielding a staff, i breathe out watching the bear take a comical beating.

Po and Crane prepare to spar atop the turtle bowl. CRASH. Po falls in and is tossed around like a sack of soup. Crane hovers above the bowl and looks to Shifu.

Angered, Shifu snaps again, my eyes were drowsy due to it already being sundown.

I watch Po falling on his face at the work of some invisible opponent, or just the tiny Mantis. Shifu smiles hoping he would give up. Flat on his back, Po manages a salute. This time, Shifu has had it.

"I've been taking it easy on you, panda, but no more! Your next opponent... will be me." Po peaks up looking over his stomach

"Alright! Yeah, let's go!"

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now