Kung Fu Panda 2 pt. 3

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Po pole-vaults onto a walkway and into two wolf sentries knocking them both out

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Po pole-vaults onto a walkway and into two wolf sentries knocking them both out. Swinging his wrist it allows me to catapult off the i was stand on, he grabs my hand pulling me up with him. Po picks them up and sneaks along the walkway using the bodies to cover the both of us. He passes a disgruntled Boss Wolf muttering to himself on the way.

"Did you hear him call it the year of the 'peacock'..."

Po waves using a sentry's arm. "Hey."


We move on, eventually stopping in front of a wall.

"Hey, on your feet!" A gorilla says walking up to us, Po pushies me up and crawls inside through a window above. I pause as we find ourselves on a walkway high over the metal vat and the conveyor belts transporting metal into it. Po sneaks across the walkway, and spots a peacock-shaped silhouette in the smoke on the other side of the large room.

"Move, you dogs! Faster, faster! Load them all!"

Po climbs up a latter with me following behind him.

"Greetings, panda!... And panda servant." I frown at my tittle as Po steps in front of me.

Shen emerges from the smoke on a walkway just in front Po. Po spots the eye emblem on his tail feathers again and shields his eyes, barely resisting another flashback.

"Tell me what happened that night!"

"What night?" He mockingly asks.

"That night!"

"Ahhh... that night."

"Yes!" He falters. "We're talking about the same night, right?"

The out of nowhere humor is what keeps me going.

"Yes, I was there. Yes, I watched as your parents abandoned you, it's a terrible thing. I believe it went something like this!"

Shen cuts a chain and a suspended bucket swings into us, sending Po to hang onto the bucket with me dangling with a fucking string to keep me up.

Po struggles with the bucket and eventually manages to climb back on solid ground. "Hang on Y/n."

I glare at the ground as i continue dangling by my fucking hand! "Its not like i have anywhere else to go." I mutter to myself moving as he moved.

"Are you willing to die to find the truth?" Shen asks.

"You bet I am... though I'd prefer not to." He leaps at Shen, who grabs his foot and flings the panda off the walkway. I scream following him down as we land harshly on the conveyor belt moving fast towards the vat of molten metal.

Po pulls my hand as he run in the opposite way except a metal object trips us. He grabs a tuning fork as he goes screaming over the edge out of sight. Just before we falls into the vat, Po stabs the fork into the bottom of the belt, I hug him tightly as he grabs a metal lid to shield us from the searing heat of the molten metal as we're taken under the belt.

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