Kung Fu Panda 3 Pt. 1

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Brushing my teeth i ignore Po as he grumbled about trying to be cool. "Alright alright, just let me fix up my hair." I say spitting out the mint and gargling.

"You always take so long with your hair." He whines

"If you can have your dramatic entrances I can have some okayish looking hair." Since I have no real products that I would usually use. He sighs setting his head on top of mine stopping my process. "Po-"

He pops up happily, "Oh you're done?!"

"No-" The panda who was working on his own terms picks me up manovering me to his back. I huff as he opens our door closing it behind him.

Annnnnd just like normal he begins running inside the Jade Palace, waking up Tigress, Crane, and Viper in the process. Making his way to the top of the stairs outside, "Justice... is about to be served!" he jumps into the air, leaping downstairs.

The Furious Five begin following behind us as Po hops over a few rocks and swings off the staff of a statue of Oogway. Its usually like a carnival ride honestly, I tightly shut my eyes most of the time.

Po crashes through trees, he jumps off a building's roof, lands in, then catapults off a tree, I scream excitedly being so high up in the sky he meets a cloud shaped like Master Rhino. After a moment, Po chops it in half, and begins falling towards the ground my eyes close tightly until land in dramatic poses, in front of Mr. Ping's noodle shop.

"We'll have two justice platters, please." Po says, as Mr. Ping writes down our order on a notepad.

"Three." Monkey says holding a finger up.

"And a few tofu buns." Crane adds

"The normal Y/n?" Po asks looking up at me, i nod causing Mr. Ping writes down what i normally eat.

"Oh, and the spicy noodle soup for Tigress." He looks at Tigress, "Did you want extra sauce with that?"

"She wants it on the side." I say

"On the side." Tigress nods

"On the side." Po repeats.

Taking a bite of my food I try to ignore the mass of wind blowing in my face from the speed Po was running at as he high fived his fans.

"Dragon, you can do it!" "Go, Dragon Warrior!" "Defend the valley!" "Dragon Warrior!"

My eyes widen as a piece of my food flew off of my chopsticks, oops.

Eventually, Po and the Five land outside of the Training Hall. Po lands in a pose, but the Five casually stand by, I hop down going at my food even more now. Tigress looks lazily at her paws. Crane inspects his wing.

"You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose, are you?" He asks causing us to look at him tiredly.

"Do we have to strike a pose, every time we land?" Mantis asks back.

"You guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance! I've heard about some masters who could win a fight just by throwing open a door."

Po walks up to the entrance of the Training Hall, striking a pose at every step of the way. He prepares to open the door, recoiling his leg. However, when he goes to kick open the door, his leg stops in front of a stoic Shifu's face, almost hitting him. Shifu's ears blow back from the wind.

"Dramatic entrance?" He asks with a knowing face.

"Master Shifu!" Po meekly says

"The Dragon Warrior is correct." Shifu says while closing the doors to the training hall.

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now