Kung Fu Panda Pt. 5

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As much as I tried to stop the guy he wouldn't, he used wood from bamboo trees to create a wooden training dummy that looks like Kai. Po's training against the dummy continues for a while.

As Po continues to train, Tigress suddenly appears and blocks his fist. "This isn't going to work."

"It has to."Po and Tigress spar as they talk.

"You're not thinking straight."

"I am."

"You're not."

"I am."


"Yes, I am."

"I've seen Kai. I've seen what he can do."

"But he hasn't seen what I can do." Po says stopping Tigress with a simple hold.

"The Wuxi Finger Hold?" Tigress asks unamused.

"That's my best move. I just have to get to Kai, grab his finger, and then Skadoosh. Back to the Spirit Realm."

"He has an army of jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. So there's no sneaking up on him. You will never get close enough."

"It's gonna work.'

"He can only be stopped by a master of chi."

Po and Tigress stop sparring, I make my way over to them. 'Oh, you sound just like Shifu with the chi. Chi this. Chi that. Chi chi. I'm not a master of chi. OK? I don't know if I'm the Dragon Warrior. I don't even know if I'm a panda. I don't know who I am!" He sighs slumping against me in need of comfort, "You're right. There's no way I can stop him and his army."

"Unless you had an army of your own." We turn towards the fog, as Li appears.


"Not just me."

"Us" Mr. Ping says popping up. Awe they're finally getting along.

"All of us." Li says revealing everyone behind him, " finally found my son after all these years. It's gonna take a lot more than the end of the world to keep us apart."

"But you don't even know kung fu."

"Then you'll teach them." I say causing me to gasp looking at me.

"What? I can't teach them kung fu! I couldn't even teach Tigress, and she already knows kung fu!" Tigress nods validating the comment.

"Po, I—I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now. But you gotta believe me. We can do this. We can learn kung fu. We can be just like you." Li speaks up

Po pauses, "What did you just say?"

"We can do this?"


"We can learn kung fu?"

"After that."

"Uhh, we can be just like you?'

I oh looking at the panda.


"We can?"

"No!" We both say with a small smile. "You can't. But you don't have to be. That's what Shifu meant. I don't have to turn you into me. I have to turn you into you." He says looking from me to them.

"That doesn't make any sense." Mr. Ping says scratching his beak.

"I know!" He hugs both Li and Mr. Ping, "Thanks, dads."

"You're welcome?" Mr. Ping mutters.

"I'm gonna do something I never thought I'd be able to do. I'm gonna teach kung fu."

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