love Stings

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Humming a tune from a song I use to listen to when I was home, I pick up a vegetable Po drops from the mass of items he has.

"Dad, I got your... stuff."

I bump a bowl fully into the table with my hip, "be careful with that." I smile happily to the customer.

"Hello?" Po struggles to fit through the door frame holding the supplies. Shapes downy do very well with him.

"You need help?" I question deadpanning.

"Nope! Got it on my own." He declines, "Okay, just gotta do a little squeezy-squeeze action here. Need to work on my squeezy-squeeze." He continues to struggle 'on his own.'

Mr. Ping walks down the stairs and sees Po. "Po! What are you doing?"

"Just... uh, hanging."

"Stop goofing around. The Autumn Festival's in a week, and we need to bake moon cakes." Mr. Ping grabs a radish, causing Po to fit through the door and fall. Po stknow back up.

I pick an item that fell into his face off, "oh hey! I guess you did have it." I taunt stepping over him.

"Dad, I, uh... I'm kinda too busy to help this year, you know, I mean, important Dragon Warrior business." I raise my eyebrow at his answer as he scowls in my direction.

"Oh, what could be more important than baking twenty seven hundred moon cakes?! Oh boy, oh boy! And making enough scratch to get that deluxe spatula I've had my eye on." Mr. Ping looks on in awe as the camera pans over to a painting of a spatula.

Kinda like SpongeBob, no?

"I don't know, maybe like being the most bodacious warrior in the land! Responsible for the safety of all who reside in the Valley of Peace."

Oh, uh, that reminds me, 'bodacious' actually has a meaning, 'excellent, admirable, or attractive.'

I scoff at him, setting down the vegetables in my hand, "yeah~ sure bodacious."

He puts his paw on my face pushing me away out of annoyance.

Mr. Ping reaches under the counter and grabs some clothes. "Your Autumn Festival clown costume!" Mr. Ping hands the costume to Po.


Mr. Ping begins painting Po's face and chuckling as Po has a look of disdain. "Oh so happy!"

"Dad, Dragon Warrior; me. I can't be the Autumn Festival clown anymore. And I don't have time to help you make moon cakes, okay?"

Mr. Ping appears disappointed at first, but then he bursts out with laughter.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"It's that costume! So funny!" He laughs happily.

Po wipes the paint off of his face.

"Hmm, not so funny now." Mr. Ping frowns making me laugh.

He gets back to cutting vegetables, "Fine, Po, don't worry about your poor, old, Dad working his wings to the bone. Go, go, go have your fun."

"Not fun, Dad, Dragon Warrior business, serious stuff." I frown at Po grabbing his wrist.

"Can we talk alone please?" I ask emphasizing the 'alone' he sighs as we walk up the stairs to his old room, most of his stuff gone due to the fact we live at the palace now.

"Po you know you have absolutely nothing to do."

He stiffens looking to the side a bit, "what- no that thing with monkey-"

"Foolishness! Spinning around? You can do that any other time!"

Po sighs dramatically, "but-"

I set my hand on his arm, "He's lonely. Probably misses spending time with you. And what are you doing?"

"I guess I've sorta been ditching him lately... a lot." I smack his arm at the truth. "You dummy!" "Ow!"

"Let's go help him out, okay?" As much as he tries to avoid me his eyes find mine making him sigh.

"Can't we just get him a girlfriend or something?"


"What?! It worked for u- uhh." He pauses, confusing me.

"Po…" I contort my face into a sort of pout, "fineeeee" He groans walking down stairs.

I smile softly, he's a good kid when he listens. Except is muttering under his breath when being forced into something.

"Po." He turns around looking up to me annoyed, "Whaaa-" leaning to his side I press my lips against his fuzzy cheek and drew back. "Thank you." comes out as a whisper but was more effective that I expected as he jumped almost falling down the stairs.

"What?! No- I mean" he clears his throat making his voice deeper, "of course." Laughing at his antics I walk past him to his father.

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now