Hall of Lame

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“Now concentrate, Po.” Tigress as I lean against the stairs lazily enjoying the sun. “But…” as of right now her and Monkey are trying to teach him how to travel through small holes.

Like that tiger guy in the circus madagascar movie.

“The belief that you can do something is the key to actually doing it.” Tigress blatantly says.

“Yeah, havin' a little trouble with that.”

“Why?” I call out looking over to him

We have literally talked about his own ‘belive’ with the first time i was with him, come on the scroll was blank, it was a mirror to represent that you have to believe in yourself to be able to do things you never knew you could, and here he is now forgetting and ignoring everything he learned.

He looks at me dumbly, “Y/n, how am I gonna leap through this hole?” he walks over to the small hole in a wooden board and looks through it.

“Uh, I did it.” Mantis shared

“Mantis, you can leap through a keyhole.”

“I did it.” Monkey adds

“Monkey, you're all limber, and bendy, and monkey-ish.”

“I did it.” Tigress says causing me to lean back, the clouds covered the sun as they passed each other.

“You did?!”

“Yes, because I believed I could.”

Po glances over to the hole. “Okay, here it comes. Dragon Warrior style.” he backs away from the board. “Through the hole, all slippity-slip and slankity-slank!” and charges toward the board.

“Po.” Shifu says appearing out of nowhere.

Po gets distracted and slams into the board, breaking it. “That was... Awesome!” he picks up the pieces of wood that formed the hole and sticks his head through the hole.  “Yes! Made it! Tigress, you were right.”

No you didn't. you destroyed it. Which i mean… kinda worked i guess.

“Not quite the technique I was thinking of.”

“Okay, a little messy, a little sloppy, but done. Check. Strike it through. Who's the Dragon Warrior?” he asks posing which made me cringe.

“You are, which is why I want to know if you have your trophy picked out.” i hum at shifurolling onto my side as a yawn exited me.

“I'm getting a trophy?! Yes!” Po starts dancing with joy.

“No. You haven't forgot about the Warrior Ceremony, have you?’

He stops dancing.

“I've been reminding you to select a trophy for the Hall of Heroes for weeks now.” Yes he has, like every single day.

“What? Me? Forget? Never.” Liar.

“Good, I look forward to your selection. Since the dawn of time every great warrior has donated one item that bespeaks his or her legacy.”

“I'm just whittling it down for my top ten. It's hard to pick 'cause so many things... bespeak of me.”

“Good. The entire village is turning out for the festival. See you at sundown.” Shifu walks away and Po yells.

“You totally forgot about it, didn't you?” Monkey asks shaking his head.

“That obvious?” “You could have had me fooled.” I mutter making him frown in my direction. “Hmm, let's hope the village shop isn't all out of awesome legacy-making fire swords, in a size sixteen.”

“Uh, Po, the trophy has to be earned through heroic deeds.” Tigress explains.

“Right... Now, this rule, optional?”

“No.” Mantis answers.

“What I'm asking you is: can I not do that rule?”

“I KNOW WHAT OPTIONAL MEANS!” The small insect yells, making me jump up as I stare down at him from his outburst.

“I was hoping you were bluffing.” Po sighs, “What am I gonna do?!”

“Perhaps you should look in the Hall of Heroes for inspiration.” Tigress suggests as I stand up cracking the bones in my back.

“Sweet idea, Tiggidy.” Tigress scowls at Po. “Right. Ix-nay on the icksnames nay.” He says grabbing my hand. “It WAS a terrible one.” I mutter as he walks us over to the Hall of Warriors.

Po lets go of my hand as we walk in his eyes instantly drawn to something, “Whoa, such an awesome…”

An animal walks by and hangs his hat on the artifact staring at Po like he was dumb. Because he i-

“...hat rack. I knew that.” He mutters clearing his throat, as he walks to another object. “Yes, the legendary helmet of Ho the Huge-Headed. Awesome!”

Po prepares to touch the helmet, until i slap his hand away and point over to a tapestry with a picture of himself preparing to touch the helmet with a No symbol around it. Rolling his eyes he runs over to another object.

“The Crossbow of All-Knowing! All-Knowing, I wonder if that means it knows what I'm thinking.”

I slow down at his dumbass thoughts, you see what i have to deal with?

The crossbow fires an arrow which hits a column and bounces back towards Po. Po dodges the arrow by flipping upside down.


The bear gets up and runs over to another artifact, oh my god I groan being pulled around. “The Whooping Sun Diamond Blade. I need something like this, majestic, and awesome, but not too awesome, just awesome enough where maybe people think you don't know you're awesome, but you do. You totally do.”

Po winks at his reflection in the sword. Po backs away and accidentally bump into the Urn of Whispering Warriors, breaking it. A green mist comes out of the broken urn. I glare at him, “again?”

“Can't we find a higher shelf for that thing?” The mist starts following Po, tired of him.

“I'm going! I'm going.” he mutters as were literally ushered out.

Entering our room i take the time to water the flowers i put in pots.

“My trophy's gotta top all that stuff. Need something like…” he looks around. “Nothing I've ever owned.”

I turn around to him leaning against the paper wall, “Dude, no you don’t” He looks to me surprised. “You need something that represents who you ‘are,’ not who you ‘want’ to be.”

“That sounds very educational,” He mutters, “Well lets try at home.” He says turning away from me.

“Im tryna help you out here before you do something dumb, and drag us into some kind of problem, like always!” I argue back.

“I barely drag you into anything.” I deadpan glaring at him, “I’m gonna forget that lie that you just uttered.” Sighing “Po stop being idiotic!”

“Then you can stay here!” He says raising his voice at me

“I cant!” say picking my hand up, “You big dummy!”

“I wish we were never attached to each other!” My breath hitched at his frustrated words.

His eyes widen as he looks down at my face which seemed to be changing into one of sadness. He opens his mouth to say something but i shut him down.

“You said enough.” I brokenly say, my voice below a whisper. “Go find your dumb trophy.”

“Y/n, i-”

“Get out.” i mutter.

He does just that closing the door behind him, but he doesnt move to go anywhere he just sits down in the hallway.

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now