Kung Fu Panda 2 pt. 2

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He slows his run down into a walk as he looks at me, "I'm sorry are you okay?" He questions solemnly.

"I'll live" I chuckle, getting ready to be put down.

"Why did you-" he trails off looking down at my wrist which was propped up on his shoulder, sighing i move them to his face forcing him to look at me.

"If you're protecting everyone else, then someone has to be there to protect you." I say, I go to drop my hands but one of his paws lay on top of my hand, keeping it there. My eyes widen as he leans into my hand rubbing his cheek on it.

"The Dragon Warrior!" we pause our small show of affection as people in the noodle notice him. I clear my throat pushing off of him he hesitantly sets me down.


Po waves to his fans and kisses a young rabbit held up by an adult rabbit. Mr. Ping runs to him, "You should've told me you were coming!" he says as i make my way in, greeting some people.

"Hi dad!" he says as they hug.

"I would have saved you some stinky tofu!" I help pick up a few empty bowls while Po carries a large stack "Uhhh, Dad, can I talk to you?"

"Of course, son." He turns to the costumers. "In honor of my son, free tofu desert for everybody!" The costumers cheer. "-with purchases." I chuckle as they 'awe, that's mighty smart.

Mr. Ping follows Po inside and hugs him again, Po holds the door open for me, "are you sure?" I question referring to me listening to their conversation. He smiles and i walk in placing the bowls down in an area.

"Oh, it's so good to see you, Po! Have you lost weight? I could almost put my wings around you!" He closes the door as i find a seat on the ground still wanting to leave them on their own to talk.

"Ahh, well, maybe a little."

"Oh, poor you, you must feel weak! Let me get you some soup" he starts chopping some vegetables.

"Oh, that's okay dad, I'm not hungry."

"Not hungry, Po, you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, no, I'm fine. It's just... Earlier today, I was fighting these bandits."


"Nothing too dangerous, they were just..."


"Then the strangest thing happened. I had this crazy vision. I think I saw my mom... and me... as a baby..."

Mr. Ping slows his chopping as he registers what Po has said "Wa, Wa, Wow... a baby?" he says being quickly overcome with fear.

A Dragon Warrior's Human | Po x FEM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now