Normal Nights

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Tucking the panda in I walk away to my stuff that I scattered around our room. Hygiene is important to me so I brush my teeth every morning and night, of course. Picking up the mint leaf I set it in the bowl, dropping a bit of water into it as I grind it with a rock.

"You really like doing that huh?"

I hum thinking of my response, "it's not that I like it, I just don't want my teeth to fall out." I explain.

"Your teeth fall out?!" He exclaims sitting up worried.

"Yeah" I mutter, dropping the rock "if I don't take care of them." I say picking up my frayed stick. I coat the brush area with a liquid like mint and stick it in my mouth.

"Humans are high maintenance."

I scrub my bottom teeth looking over at him, "You're just low maintenanced." I snap back, setting a hand on my hip.

He just likes getting on my nerves like every single day, then he cutely apologizes which throws my heart for a fucking loop!

He stops for a second realizing his mistake, "I mean."

I spit out the mint and gargled some water to get rid of the rest in my mouth as he thought through what he was going to say.

“Being high maintenance isn't too bad.” He mutter pulling the covers over his face, “It means I can be the one to take care of you.”

Ba-dum! There goes that annoying feeling again. Like the sun shining on my skin, like choking underwater.

I even went to the doctor, who found nothing wrong, but obviously there is, my palms get sweaty, my heart speeds up at random times. Maybe it's anxiety, that sounds the most reasonable.

My hand covers my face as I try to keep a straight expression, “Then…” I bit my lip as he slowly pulls the covers away from his nervous face, “I guess I'll stay how I am.” i whispered.

He clears his throat laying down and opening the covers, “So.. master Shifu” ignoring his useless small talk I blow out the candle and make my way over to him.

“Shh, you talk too much sometimes." I quietly say sitting down on his stomach like normal. Fixing my position i lay down on him allowing him to wrap his arms around me. Ya know to keep me from falling off, my eyes grew drowsy as one of his paws played with my hair.

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