These walls have eyes

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I woke up to blinding lights flooding my eyes and figured shadows hovering over me.

"Shhh she's waking up" I heard a faint female voice say.

"Tallulah? Tully can you hear me" Gwen's familiar voice chimed in.

All I could do was groan as I lifted my arm to shadow my sight. I had no energy to speak. I was completely aware I was still in toms grasp or in hell, either way I was exhausted.

I blinked a few times and tried to push myself to my elbows. I felt a gentle hand caress my back helping me up.

"Careful, you're still healing don't get up too fast" the other voice said concerned.

"I'm fine" I managed to mumble out.

My foot felt slightly sore, I looked down to see white gauze wrapped messily around it, patches of red soaked deep through the fabric.

I pushed myself up more and brought my foot into myself. I slowly began to unwrap the gauze when a hand shot out and stopped me.

"DONT TOUCH IT!" Snapped Gwen

"We spent an hour trying to make the bleeding stop" I looked over to see Melanie, her eyes looking distressed.

Her face was angelic and sweet, it was hard to go against her pleas so I stopped and pushed my foot back out to relax. I looked around to see I was on an old fashioned couch. The room was cold and grey. There was nothing in the area except a small table with a single chair and a toilet in the far corner.

Am I in hell? I thought to myself, I tried hard to not pay attention to my surroundings, the two girls comforting me kept me calm.

"Where am I?" I muttered low, praying the answer wouldn't be as I expected.

"Uhm" Melanie hummed and looked down with sad eyes "you're in the basement, Tom thought it'd be best to keep you here for a while but don't worry we'll visit you often" her voice cheered up a bit but it didn't settle my stomach any less.

"He's keeping me locked in a basement?" The panic in my voice now more apparent.

"Just for a bit but don't worry it's not that bad" the optimism as she spoke sent chills down my spine.

I looked over to my other leg, a thick, metal cuff attached to my ankle with a long chain connected all the way to a stud in the floor.

My heart started to beat so fast I thought I was have a heart attack, my breathing intensified.

Gwen was quick to grab a brown bag and put it to my mouth, I inhaled hard and deep into the bag trying to slow my breath.

I watched as Melanie and Gwen exchanged concerned looks followed by Gwen rolling her eyes.

"She has a lot of anxiety, normally this helps. I knew she'd probably panic the second she realized" Gwen scoffed almost annoyed.

This version of her was unrecognizable, she was always so caring and sweet, now she was cold and bitter. Her attitude began to upset me, how she used to cradle and hold me when I was upset, anytime either of us were having a hard time we'd cuddle together in one of our beds and watch a sappy love movie until we fell asleep. now this girl before me seemed like she wouldn't hesitate to give me the backhand if I cried out.

"Who the fuck even are you" i spat

Gwen cocked an eyebrow at me before standing up and walking towards the big gated door.

"You're not a child anymore Tallulah, I can't always be there to baby you when you're upset" her words hit me harder than a physical punch ever could.

I felt my eyes begin to flood as I watched her flick her long blonde hair and leave the room. I began to sob uncontrollably. I was tired, hurting and scared.

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