Wanderer/Venti/Xiao [♡]

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"A cat

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"A cat..."

It was undeniable.

Although it was hard to believe, your hot-headed classmate had transformed within a cloud of mist, revealing a pile of clothes, his schoolbag, and last but not least...

A cat eerily resembling Scaramouche.

"W-What should I do!?"

You scrambled in a panic to pick everything up, clumsily holding his clothes and his small form in your arms, slinging the bag over your shoulder.

"W-What should I do!?" You repeat again in a panic, unable to collect yourself. "D-Doctors? Yes! I should try the hospital first..."

Spiraling into your deep and incoherent thoughts, you continued to mumble under your breath as you stood helplessly in the middle of the neighborhood, earning both concerned and questioning looks from the people passing by. Your descent to despair seemed to be never-ending until you finally jolted back into reality, feeling something scratch against your forearm.

You turned your attention down to the main cause of your panic, watching with widened eyes as the cat's mouth began to open, sounds coming out from its lips that you could...understand?

"Will you stop blabbering like a madman and listen!?"

You rapidly blinked your eyes, shaking your head to bring yourself back to reality.

"M-My apologies!" You flailed your arms in the air to clutch your head, only for your eyes to widen upon realizing the pile of clothes and an endangered Scaramouche flying along, quickly grabbing them once more with plentiful apologies coming out of your lips.

"Just bring me home, alright!?"



"Finally! I know you don't like being home, but I didn't expect you to be so late, Scara-"

The voice of a male trailed off mid-sentence upon the sight before him, eyes wandering curiously. It was certainly not a sight Venti would witness on any normal day, but it was certainly an amusing sight nonetheless.

"Oh? [name]? To what do I owe the pleasure?" Venti flashed you his signature smile, his teasing tone undetected by you but clearly irking the cat in your arms.

"Venti...?" You were surprised to see Venti out of all people arriving at the door, not expecting another classmate of yours to share a home with the male in your arms. However, you shook your head of your wandering thoughts, remembering the reason for your presence.

"Scaramouche!" You exclaim, holding out the bundle of clothes and an annoyed cat sitting on top. "He....he...!"

"Oh?" Venti sniffled a laugh, looking down on Scaramouche's adorable form with a mocking smile. "To think you've finally felt the touch of a woman only to become her inconvenience. I never thought you'd hit somewhere lower than rock bottom!"

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